Luangpor Teang - WatNongphong
Bell tower builded b.e.2557(2014) by donators from HongKong. Monks use bell tower to gather together during practise, signal every early morning before bintabaht(journey to receive offer foods). Thai people belief for bell tower bring honor, fame and glory, echoes into their life fortune. The sound echo through all realms, blessing and protect their souls.

University students help painting job around temple's gate.

By B.E.2557(2014) more cats and dogs at temple, people offer to temple, and many adopt them.

Name of donators crafted, place at temple. Landlord guardian altar builded by donator.

Sunny, a 3 months old pitbull, abused by previous owner, got hits all the time, due to raised him inside a condo and troubled with cleaning it's urinate. They've decided to offer to temple. A young dog's mind is broken, fiercely bark to all strangers, run from everyone with fear. Now he is healing and start to accept others.

During holiday summer. Kids ordained at temple, parents want them to spend their time in Buddha's hood and learn from Luangpor Teang.