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History > Luangpu Supar

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Luangpu Supar Guntasiro

The famous yans spell written of Luangpu Supar. "Yans krop jakravarn" the universe protection spell.

Luangpu teaching translate : eat a little sleep a little speak a little and with honest, no companion (like private) alway awake (mindfulness)

Luangpu Supar Guntasiro and his teacher Luangpu Mun Purituttho.

When Luangpu Supar was 7 year olds, there is one monk who prilgrimage and stop by meditation under the boh tree within his village. He visit and pray to the monk, then the monk touch his head and said "young one, one day you'll ordain and give yourself to the religion. Once you have ordain, do not forget to find me, we'll meet again when you wear the monk robe same as me." 2 years later he enter the monk hood.

Chaolay(Morgan tribe) or the new thai people, the sea people in southern part of thailand. Luangpu Supar saw them in vision while meditate. Without god or believe in religion to bring peaceful, it is difficult life, luangpu decide to visit the province in B.E.2500 when he's 60 years old. He builded Wat Gorsiray temple, the big resting buddha statue on the mountain. And many way to make them understand in the teaching of Buddha. At present all the new thai people are faithfully buddhism, thanks with full respect to Luangpu Supar. With 38 temples in thailand and laos he have builded in his hundreds year of monk hood. He's the bless one with great karma, Luangpu Supar is one center heart of all buddhism.

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