Luangpor Teang Gatin-Buddhapisek B.E.2556

Gatin/Buddhapisek donation ceremony is traditional in Thailand for centuries, within one month after monk-lend 3 months of rainny season, people gather at temple to conduct good karma. To received good blessing when monks finish their practise and come out within 3 months time. Gain/Buddhapisek Sunday 3rd November ceremony lead by Luangpor Teang, guru monk abbot of WatNongbhong temple, Nakhonratchasima province B.E.2556(2013). Donation total is $50,000(1.5M THB) approx.
Early morning at temple. Left; Model of Big Buddha statue build at the temple. Holy items consecrated countless of times through ceremonies to make powerful and effectiveness.

PhraGaoNar 9faces monks / PhraPikaned(Ganesha) amulet given to visitors at temple and later days when they visit. For people who join Gatin donation ceremony. Thousands of holy items given to people for blessing good fortune and protection.

Visitors from HongKong donate $20,900(650,000THB) to build bell tower at the ceremony. $5000(150,000THB) to build Big Buddha Poonsub statue.

Offer Buddha Statues by families from HongKong, craft with their names, friends/families for monks to blessed and pray dedicate good merits always.

Table set by referee to place donation tree from people, offer monk robes at Gatin ceremony.

Free foods donate by sellers from markets whole day.

2 Gates donation by thai friends, families from Australia open thai-restaurant. $20,000