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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Pipek inform PhraRahm to advance the army to setup camp at emerald mountain, it is a golden location to victory not far from Lhonggar. There is but one obstacle, there is a giant called "Gumparsul" command thousands of giants soldiers guarding overthere.

PhraRahm order Hanuman to lead the army to conquer the giant.

Hanuman order a surprise attack, the giant haven't ready their formation. All fallen to deads in an instance.

Gumpasul shout a war cry out loud, thrusting his spear furiously toward the monkey. Hanuman jump into the combat, a fierce fight with no concern of living. In a flash, Hanuman kick at Gumpasul, made the giant lost his balance, stuck his body at the hill. The monkey dash in, stepping upon the giant, stab his trident right at the heart, take away Gumpasul's life.

Aongkod deliver a message.

PhraRahm's army set up camp at mount.emerald. Summoned a war council discuss with his generals on how to make the assault. Everyone agree to have an emissary deliver a message to nagotiate first like any custom before war.

In case Tossagun decide to return Sida, the war will not occur. Sukreep advise to use "Aongkod" to deliver a message.

Aongkod fly over toward southwest side of Lhonggar. A giant guarding the gate shock by the sight, shutting the great wall tightly.

Aongkod enlarge himself blocking the sun, make the whole city in darkness.

A giant "Paowanasul" come out to check on what cause and see a powerful green monkey standing tall over the sky. A giant is flighten, forced himself to ask on what reason and where the monkey came from. Aongkod say "I am a son of Pali, deliver a message before war." Paowanasul ask Aongkod to wait by the harbour.

Tossagun doesn't want to receive a message from an emissary. And this emissary is a son of his old rival, meeting him would only cause resentment. Tossagun ask Montoh to bring maid servants to take care of Aongkod, to try to convince him not to enter the palace. Aongkod is angry, take out his dagger to drive them away.

Great monkey could not wait any longer, kick the city gate shattered into pieces. Walking tall into the throne room, curl his tail up for a seat as high as the throne.

Tossagun boiling mad, point and scold at a low rank monkey try to equal him as the king. Moreover, a monkey did not bow to show any respect. Aongkod reply, even Tossagun is the king, he is not his superior. Then read a message from PhraRahm.

The message mentioned, the reason PhraRahm march his army to wage war, because Tossagun had kidnapped Sida. If Tossagun admit this guilt and return Sida back, he will retreat his army.

Tossagun arguing back, said he saw Sida left alone in the forest. He pitied her, then brought her back to Lhonggar. And Tossagun despite PhraRahm and PhraRak, called them a fallen kings, could only have savage monkeys as allies, dare to march the army to confront the giant.

Aongkod debate. PhraRahm did not fallen from noble, but ordained to keep his father's honor and oath. All the swordmen are god reincarnated.

Tossagun mentioned how about the past when PhraRahm killed Pali. Aongkod say that of all three worlds known of how his father break his vow, he is honored to died by an arrow of Narai's avatar.

This time Aongkod arguing back.

"I remembered when i was a boy, my father captured one loser giant, dragged and toyed with him around like a little crab. Feed him with a left over rice ball from our maidservants, feed him one rice ball for a day. That giant have ten faces just like you."

Such words pierced right through a giant's heart. Tossagun ordered four generals to cut off Aongkod's tongue and head. 4 generals rush in to attack Aongkod. A great monkey show his power, enlarged his body and grabs all the generals, smashes them at the castle's spire to deads.

Aongkod mock Tossagun that it would be more than his duty to cut off Tossagun's head. Then fly back, return to PhraRahm and inform that Tossagun surely ask for war.

Sukreep break the 7 tiers umbrella.

Grudge stir within the heart of the giant king. Only by his plot to cut out the war, he loss so many of his relatives and finest warriors.

Now the war is inevitable. Tossagun planned to make his first move, to attack first. He ordered the ceremony, to place crystal umbrella on top of Mount.Ninlaga.

This "Chad-gaw" crystal umbrella is a miraculous item of the city, since Lhonggar was builded.

Once this crystal umbrella have been place, the whole city will cover in shade, no light can penetrate through. This make it impossible for the enemy to see what's inside, but for those who reside within the city can see outhere clearly.

On the other side, when PhraRahm's army see the darkness sky cover the city with shade, soldiers start to shaken losing morale. Pipek inform PhraRahm that Tossagun placed the powerful umbrella to blinded our visibility. Not for long he would make a surprise attack on us.

Sukreep voluteer to destroy this powerful chad-gaw, recite a spells to make himself invisible, sneak inside and appear infront of Tossagun.

Sukreep shouting, mocking Tossagon a coward. Fear not to march his army out to confront but concealed himself with dirty trick. And then Sukreep take out his dagger, dash toward to attack the giant king, all the concubines screaming flightened, run to hide behind Tossagun.

Tossagun tangled in the fight, worry upfront and behind. Sukreep rush in piercing his dagger furiously. Tossagun tried to block, but got cut into many wounds.

Sukreep fly over, bend the umbralla's spire until it's break. The sky is open.

Tossagun stunning with wounds, fallen down to the ground. The crown fall out of his head, Sukreep use his foot to grab it, lift it up mocking at Tossagun then fly back return to his army. Tossagun lost face infront of his underlings, grunting resentfully. He walk back to his palace and won't look at anybody.


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