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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Intorachit's battle.

After the dead of Gumpagun, his own bloodline brother. Tossagun having an absent-mind of sadness for a long time until there is a voice roaring out loud.

"I volunteer to kill these two human"

Intorachit standing dignifiedly right infront of his king, his father.

Tossagun's eyes shinning with the light of hope, embrace Intorachit. Blessing his son to have victory over the enemy.

Intorachit, a grand giant with highest sense of pride. Like a diamond glittering blightly upon the crown of all giant's tribes. Standing tall upon a tremendous battle cart as a general leading an army. Shout out a war cry soothing his fellow soldiers's morale back into a powerful giant's army once again.

Giant warlords and soldiers thirst for blood, ready to crush everything in their path for their vengeance. Their battle cry echoes throughout the land, trample shaken the earth. March out into a battlefield.

Intorachit order his army to launch the attack. PhraRahm order PhraRak to Battle. Edge of weapons crushing glittering lights all over the battlefield. Giants slains countless monkey. 18 crowned monkeys general combine their power, kill countless giants.

Hanuman draw out his powerful trident, break through enemy's front line toward their general's battle cart. Intorachit launch an arrow, hit right at the chest of Hanuman. Fall down in the midst of battlefield.

Sukreep. Aongkod. And monkey generals soaring beyonds the sky killing giants. Intorachit fire his powerful arrows, crushing every single one of them fallen unconscious upon the ground.

Intorachit tighten up his bow and jump onto PhraRak's battle cart, fighting each other in close combat. PhraRak hit him with a bow, make a giant fall into the ground.

Intorachit launch fire arrows, scorching monkey soldiers with magical flames. PhraRak then fire a magical rains arrow, extinguish all the poison fire. PhraRak's arrow continue, thrust into a giant cause a death pain. Intorachit brace himself, recite the spells 7 times then rub over his body, an arrow then release out of his body.

When the daylight has fade, signal battle end for the day. Intorachit return his army back to Lhongar city.

Manggorngun's defend battle.

Intorachit come to realize that he had overestimate these two human's capability. He plan to setup a powerful ceremony to enhance the power of his bow weapon "Nagabaht" upon Mt.Nagad for 7 days.

This powerful arrow was crafted from the "Naga"'s poison. Once it reach it's full potential, there will be no one able to withstand it's power.

Intorachit build a sacred worship ceremony hall to place the arrow and recite spells infront of it inside the Rotan, a great tree with the size of 100,000 men circle around it and home of nagas.

Suffering by the spells. Naga dragons all over the land can not bear and come out to release their poison into the Nagabaht arrow, enhancing it's power.

Tossagun then call "Manggongun" son of "Phyakorn" to send an army to the defensive line for the time being. Manggongun already have grudge toward PhraRahm because his father have been killed by this human. A giant warlord gather his men, march his army into battle.

PhraRahm learn from Pipek that Manggongun is a skillful archer, and also have a powerful crystal chakra, a wheel weapon of PhraPhrom(Brahma). PhraRahm decide to lead an army to battle himself.

Manggongun thrown a crystal chakra violently, sharp edge of spinning wheel weapon cutting through countless monkey soldiers fallen to the ground. PhraRahm shoot out a *Praiward arrow, *(an arrow with a homing ability, follow it's target to the end of universe and return). A powerful shot shattering crystal chakra wheel into pieces.

PhraRahm follow up, fire a *Palnjan shot. *(a powerful arrow causing an earthquake, break to all unbreakable that it hit). Destroy a bow holding by Manggongun and slains many giants along the way.

When a giant warlord learn of PhraRahm's power is far above his level. Manggongun fly over into the sky and hide himself among the cloud. A giant recite an illusion spell causing shadows of himself appear all over the sky and cast a rain of fire falling down to the battlefield, scorching monkey soldiers, screaming in pain.

Pipek tell PhraRahm to kill the real Manggongun and his shadows will disappear.

PhraRahm focusing his mind, draw out a *Phramasard(Art of Brahma) arrow. *(The most devastate arrow weapon of all time, granted by the god king. A power to destroy 16 realms of heaven). He shout..

"Go! and rid the life of Manggongun"

And then fire the art of Brahma, emitting powerful shockwave of lighting stunning whomever stand on it's way. An arrow pierce right through the target, cut off the head of Manggongun. The shadows cause by a giant's spells have vanish into thin air.

Sunlight's battle

Giant soldiers whom got away has inform "Sunlight", a younger brother of Manggongun. A giant warlord is in pain of revenge, want to avenge his brother by burning PhraRahm into ashes. He march his army to Lhongar, volunteer for the battle.

A giant warlord Sunlight have a crystal magnifying glass wand named "Suragarn", a legendary weapon of the god granted by PhraPhrom. For whoever this magnifying glass zoom at, by the blink of an eyes, it will take away the life of that person instantly.

Sunlight march his army into the battlefield. Giant solders holding weapons standing boldly. Ready to eliminate all which stand in their path.


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