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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Little monkey making up a story that he holding grudge toward PhraRahm, who had slain Pali his master and gather monkey fellows to war. Caused many deads everyday. He have been waiting for a powerful one who can stop PhraRahm once and for all.

Tao Sahasdecha fall into a little monkey's eloquence, allow him to join upon his battlecart on the way. But a little monkey still act frighten, trembling with fear. He then ask for but one piece of weapon to protect himself.

Tao Sahasdecha chuckle and pity at a little monkey. He then hand over his magical wand, by the top side point to dead and buttom side point to revive. He let a little monkey holding it.

All according to his plan. A little monkey transform back into Hanuman. Enlarge his body as large as the sky. Stomping upon a battlecart, shatter it to pieces.

Declare himself Hanuman. Great general of PhraRahm and then break the wand into half. Throw it back to Tao Sahasdecha.

Great giant is angry being outwited by a monkey. He firing thousands arrows right at Hanuman but Hanuman's skin is impenetrable, not even a scratch.

Hanuman shake off the arrows, all the arrows then hit right on countless giants to death.

Tao Sahasdeva take out all of mightly weapons from two thousands arm throwing right at the target. Hanuman draw out a trident, swing around defending with every single move and then hit those weapons right back at the giant until he is stunned.

Hanuman dash in with a powerful punch right at a giant, make Tao Sahasdecha falling to the ground.

Hunuman rush in, step with one foot upon a giant's chest while recite the spell to extend his tail to tie up a giant. He then drag him back to PhraRahm.

Monkey soldiers which flee from the sight of Sahasdecha, once see him return as a prisoner. They laugh and mocking at a giant. A giant ruler lost his temper, try to break free off the biding with all of his power. Hanuman then take out a trident, cut off a giant's head to dead.


Tossagun's 2nd battle

Day after day, battle after battle. Yet, there is no victory but pain and hatred multiply hundreds of times.

Tossagun march out, leading army to attack viciously. Destroying everything on it's way. Crushing PhraRahm's troops.

PhraRahm hit back with a bow right at Tossagun's body. A giant king bounce off hit a mountain.

Giant king quickly recover. Fire a rain of arrows shading all over the sky.

No one is able to count of how many monkey troops Tossagun have slain.

But everytime. PhraRahm fire the arrow to destroy Tossagun's weapons and the arrow soaring through air cause a blessing wind to revive every single monkey soldier.

Tossagun fear the ability of the bow, which have both power to fight and to heal at the same time. A giant king never met such enemy before.

Tossagun keep watching and throw a flaming jakra wheel to attack. PhraRahm parry with a shot, causing a powerful blast.

PhraRahm's arrows thrust into Tossagun all over the body. A giant king feel an immeasurable pain, chant the spell to pull off the arrows and rub his wounds to recover.

Tossagun come to realize to wage war with PhraRahm is too severe and cause disaster more than he had ever imagine.

But the king of Lhonggar live with dignity. Far greater than to bow down and surrender.

Tossagun can not retreat since the beginning. Since the day he had taken Sida.


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