Gold Experience. Star Platinum. The World.
This page I'm gonna talk about some rare case doing business with customer. Nothing special. Just a good read. Good typing wasting times. Just for fun. It rarely happened but I'm gonna keep the records here. I called it rare case because I sold countless silver amulets to customers around the world. This is only one that happned. So it is a rare case I'm keeping record.
It'll be useful for collectors, buyers, sellers, future readers. And onnce again, excuse my machhine gun typing broken english. Why don't I use grammar check and spells corrector programs? Well for this page I like to keep it original..
I also like to type in Thai alot, because It's going to be a lot better but it's going to be hard for readers here. Well, this is life.

See the different? Silver. It is always silver that turn dark through times. In this case is Luangpor Koon's silver amulet. I don't know exactly materials the temple mixed up, they usually mix with sacred materials, holy powders, core or slate from other Buddha/statues etc. So all the batch made of silver stay different. Some stay the same for normal for long long times and some turn dark even keep in the close box/case.
This is one of the case. Luangpor Koon's Silver PhraYodthong amulet sold for $150.. Left image is the amulet condition when sold and right is image post 20 years ago. It turn darker and different in textures. Here what customer email to me. (Noted that I do not post original email here. Can't be bother with erase sender name etc. But I do keep all original files).
Customer email :
Dear Sir.
Amulet received but it look different from the post as compared to the picture of your Did you team sent a wrong amulet? File attached for your reference. How to give to my friend who is fan of Thailand Amulet.
Alright, this is what I state in
4. Some objects like silver/brass/copper can turn black/dark, which can easily clean with silver cleaner. Same with item made of brass/copper plate which can have rust spot, also can clean with rust cleaner liquid. Unless request otherwise we ship the item as original as antique, old objects passed through time, without clean work. Personally. Old antique items weathering by times looking good the way it is.
Why I say this. Because amulet has it's quality when is old and weathering. LIke fine wine. I don't go touch-up, clean up like furniture before send out to customer. It stay that way. It stay original just like Buddha PhraSomdej amulet that passed for hundred of year. No one clean it. That is the only way to destroy the antique. It is not mine, not my permission. So I leave it to customer's judgement. Who going to belive you when you said this new look polish amulet is decades year old amulet by this monk?
So I replied :
Dear ...
Same amulet. Same mold type. Not new amulet, but old and precious. Has only one.
Only silver went through time gone darker. It is weathering for 20 years times. It is state here.
4. Some objects like silver/brass/copper can turn black/dark, which can easily clean with silver cleaner. Same with item made of brass/copper plate which can have rust spot, also can clean with rust cleaner liquid. Unless request otherwise we ship the item as original as antique, old objects passed through time, without clean work. Personally. Old antique items weathering by times looking good the way it is.
If you want Lp.Koon's old amulet to look new. Can send back, clean/polish and even do the silver plate. Free of charge. But it'll not be 20 years old Lp.Koon's silver amulet no more. It will look like a new fake amulet. Or you can send back to get full refund.
(Address censored to prevent hacker's stand)
Please make sure to state "Return items".
Let me know how you decide.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Note that I do not charge. I said on email that It is FREE if customer want gold smith to redo touch up the object to look extactly like 1st day. Or If you are not happy with it. Get full refund.
What I try to point out here is. SILVER. It turn dark but it is not permanently changed. Or ruined, damaged. Or broken. It just the way the chemicals/ingredients in it goes with silver's texture. It is easy to clean, polish, or some temple they just cover with shinny silver plate again.
The point is.. This is not car or furniture. It's an 20 years old amulet price set $150, it is considered a very good deal for a famous monk's amulet. And it is 1st hand, not 10th. You check out how much silver amulet these day release by any temples and then check by Luangpor Koon's? It's very precious. Now let see where it go from here.

Here I show you another imagee of Left : Buddha PhraGring from WatSutat, 30+ years old. Still look the same as the 1st day post 30 years later. This is holy type powder plated with real gold by temple. On the right, this is 10+ over a decade silver Buddha amulet by Luangpu Hong.
Let's continue.
Customer email :
Dear Sir,
The amulet weathering by times looking good the way it is but it can be spotted easily that there is so much difference even for new amulet collectors.
May I know the refund amount?
I will like to get the refund first before sending it your address.
Is there any store in "Cencored" which I can send over and get the refund.
Thanks for the promptly reply
Customer : "But it can be spotted easily that there is so much difference even for new amulet collectors".
Well... isn't that the point of old 20 years silver amulet? It suppose to be much different than new silver amulet.
Customer : "I will like to get the refund first before sending it your adress"
...I'm start to losing any worldly logic here. So you got the amulet. And now you want your money back and having the amulet too.

Okay some example. I buy a car, a bike. Defected. You giving me full refund first. I'm keeping my car, computer, statue with me here. And in this case it's not even defected. I can just clean it off myself if I don't like.
Keep going. The punch-line is not there yet.
I replied :
Dear ...,
Understand your explanation. Thank you. It is rare case, because each amulet through time never the same. Some change much, some not. What our store will improve is that we'll send up-to-date image to customer first to make decision before shipped to save times. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
Store can't give full refund first while amulet is still in customer's hand.
Please ship amulet to this address. Once shipped, please confirm tracking number to this email.
(Censored to prevent hacker's stand)
Full refund is give once the amulet is back to the store. Please included temple box.
Please state "Return item" on the package. This is to prevent custom to hold amulet.
And as compensation for your time. Choose anything worth US$50 on the store. We'll ship free to you.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
This is where I accept and respect customer's decission. Alright, you don't like it I respect that. Send it back, take your coins back. I admited that for the case of silver amulet that changed much in its texture. I should send photo to customer first and see how they want to go with it. Why I didn't?
1. I would shipped order fast. That's the policy. Who want their order late? That is service.
2. I know it is precious in my perception. (My own opinion ofcourse). No matter how it look. It is great amulet by Luangpor Koon. The older it look the better actually.
So I explained that Customer must send the item back first for full refund. And for the disapointment in your time openning the package. Go on, choose anythign $50.
I understand this because I did order many large Buddha statue to donate to temple. And many times in the past the Buddha was broken, neck, base, arms.. Store give full refund yes, but I have to pack it back, much heavy and drive back to post office. That's time requirement. That's why I do undersstand on any customer. Hey this is for your time, pack it back, send back. You know, considerate kind of thing. I could just say "no", "done". Read the policy, term of use. I don't.
Customer email :
Dear Sir,
May I have a look at PHGRING20 up-to-date image?
This is the above image the golden Buddha amulet side with Luangpu Hong's silver amulet. Let me post it again.
Okay 2 days passed. And this customer never talk about tracking, or sending return item back. Now he's on with the new item, what the.. I'm start to sense some weird vibe here.
I replied :
Dear ...
Please see attached images.
The left side is PHGRING20, made from WatSutat since B.E.2534. 30+ years. Still the same. Holy powder type plated with real gold, temple stamp at bottom. The black color by bottom is called "Rak". A type of tree's rubber paint use to cover the object before plated with gold.
The right side is silver Buddha by Luangpu Hong. 12 years. Image at present day.
Best Regards,
Customer replied :
Dear Sir,
I mean is PHGRING20 look like this
If yes, I will choose this for my friend - new amulets collector. The amulet is US$50 on the store.
Okay now I get it. Our customer skipping the step here. So I replied...
Dear ...,
Still the same. As mentioned on previous email.
Please send Lp.Koon's amulet back and confirm us tracking number.
The reason you get $50 compensation on this deal because you are not satisfy with recent purchase item. And it is on the store that we don't sent up-to-date image to you to make decision first before the item is shipped. Thus you get full refund with $50 amulet free. This proceed go once the amulet is return.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Normally you don't have to explained this kind of thing at the last paragraph here. Normal people that buy things online understand. Return the item, get your money back. But I got that feeling that I need to double check.
You know one case customer took Lp.Pae amulet made of 2 pieces and the front monk image fall out. You know I told him pick a new one, same price, keep that amulet. And he did, he said he's happy. And he purchase more after that order. But this is not the same. The amulet is not broken or damaged.
And here we go the punch-line.
Customer replied :
Dear Sir,
Not a good experience to buy further amulets on the website unlike old times purchasing experience(trusted seller) as recommended by amulets collectors.(Amulets look identical. I don't think there the money is refundablle after I sent it back)
I will just send to the new amulet collector for him to judge or keep as a record to urge them not buy in the future instead.

Look at that Cell in the back. I'm done.

The End.

Do I get your smile even a little? Even a small one? Well as I said since beginning of the page. It's just for fun. Relax. Enjoy. Life is short and precious. Be Good. Be Humble. Be Kind. Be Happy.

Be gentle. Be a good listener. In friendship, in relationship. In any deal. Find the solution. Be peaceful. Don't let them world make you hard and rough. Be understanding. Be a person who has the ability to know how other people are feeling, and can forgive. All these coins trading is small things, enjoy, have fun. If you reach that point that you are not happy with it. Get yourself out. You play the game. You never let the game play you.
As I alway point out in monk's teaching and Buddha's dharma. In all the translations I did. When you obtain the blessing of mantras. Sacred object. Amulets. You already come close to Buddha. It go to your soul first. Always. Not your desire, your greed, your obsession.
Alright, let me do the case's summary here.
Customer want amulet for his/her friend. He/She ain't happy with it cause the amulet made of silver turning dark through decades year.
The seller offered choices which are to polish, to clean it up the amulet by smith free of charge or full refund with extra credits. Seller given $50 credits to look after customer as compensation for the time he/she have to handle to package.
Customer wanted full refund without returning amulet first and $50 amulet compensattion. Reason : Do not trust seller. Customer belief that seller will keep the money and amulet once received.
Customer then replied he/she had a bad times and will not buy again. He or She will send this amulet to a "Him" to judge or keep as record to urge them not buy in future instead.
I think that's about it. Alright are you ready for my punch-line?

Just like in our life with so many happy moment. Even a good sleep and a belly full of foods. We don't remember much. We tend to remember that scars. That pain. That what hurt us. Or made us.
Similar. In all my years of selling amulets. Thousands of orders around the world. Many many awesome customers, friends, brothers sisters. I can't remember them all. Sometime they asked me, I was there at your house. I bought this year back on your store and I still keep it. I have given this amulet to my child. I hardly remember.
But a bad customer that return. I never forgot. Same with scars. I will not go into details with this page. Not the purpose I want to point out here. Here is what I think about this deal base on experience buy/sell with customers all these years.
First. I don't think that "Friend" of this customer even exist. Since the very first email.
You know what kind of people talk like this? I know but I'm not telling.
At first. He/She ain't happy about it. Until they realise with my email that Luangpor Koon's amulet with an old texture look is precious and very important verification spot of genuine amulet. A good deal. Genuine. 1st hand. So the customer changed their mind. He/She now want to keep the amulet. That's why the refund out of logic plot come out. "I wanted refund first before return the amulet back".
When I got the broken Buddha statue I ordered to donate to temple. I don't wait few days. I pack right away, take it back and send asap. Because I want to get a new one and done with the return/refund order.
Now what's going on with the last email? I said before. People when they didn't get what they wanted. They started spilling their spells. Not holy spells. Guess.
"I will just send to the new amulet collector for him to judge or keep as a record to urge them not buy in the future instead."
This one make less sense of all. More like one of those weak excuse. Them? Never exist. Though They will come and buy when they learned that amulet is genuine and 1st hand. Just like you did again. But What happened to your friend now?. And why suddenly so sour? What with the trust issue. First you want refund. Now you don't want it because you think the store will keep both money and amulet? The real reason is because the dissapointment is the expectation that he/she gonna get the free $50 amulet, despite not following the agreement of the deal. That's it. So what this customer going to do. They going for the righteous part, by keeping this amulet, hand it to a new amulet collector to judge and keep as record to urge people not to buy such amulet in future...
Okay. Alright. If Luangpor Koon's genuine amulet. 1st hand. Silver. Blessed. If this kind of amulet is not something you going for I couldn't imagine what future has in store for you. But I can imagine what kind of souls circles around you with this kind of communications. Well ignorant is bliss.
And so you want to keep it as a record instead? What kind of explanation is that? Well, let me keep my record here too. I'm pretty sure you're going to turn out nice if you get that free $50. And all your words going to become useful instead.
And that's it. I never continue replying this customer no more. It's done. But still I want to keep it here. It's not something useless. Customers are good and normal. This is very rare. I used to have one customer treathen to hunt me down too later his wife explain to me about his mental problem and why he want to commit suicide. All because his obsession aboout amulet. Greed.
The record of this Page here is not about amulet.. Buy and sell one single deal with one customer. It is a record of example of one person that I won't let it go quiet and become useless. It's the record to show how a person's greed can turn into desire to hurt others. This is very dangerous. This is what happened trhough all history in all scale from marital problems to wars.
Maybe you don't care. All the small things. But think about it. Your love one. Your family. Your kids or even you yourself. Do you even want this kind of behavior to circles all your life and your soul. And that's why teaching like Tripitaka, Dhammapada etc existed.
When we growth up. We choose on what knowledge/skill we want to obtain, we study to learn, to growth. Then we choose to use it how to maintain our life with that skills, that knowledge. Then we choose how or who we want to settle our life with. That's Buddha and many elder's teaching steps I learned since I was young. But, more importantly they say "But". Remember. Remember to never let greed take your soul until the end. And it been said for generations. That is why It is very dangerous.
Buddha separate lotus into 4 kinds. The 4 state of lotus. And this page here is create not to all. Never to all. Light and dark remain that way. But some of you out there seeker. You gonna get it. Blessed. You already got it. Earned it. And all you feel is peace of mind reading this. Understand it's meaning. A happy soul. Evils that lurk in darkness will never understand it like you do. It will spit on this. I can't tell you the world's mystery of what I've discovered not because people of different doctrine gonna rain down on me or any evil jokers outthere. But because I have no idea what golden rule may set behind it. You don't need it. Elder's teaching is very fine. Walk a good part. Be kind to one another. My website is fine. Perfect just hobby. Keep it there. That is all. And Walk with Dharma. Buddha and many sages pave it for many souls.
Relax. Enjoy. Life is short and precious. Be Good. Be Humble. Be Kind. Be Happy.
Oh and Goku didn't say "Goodbye Humanity" He said.

And that Cell is done.

I'm going to leave one of many email here. It explains itself.
I'm one of your customers and I have a question regarding a statue called "Phra Pitda Kaonphi" also called "Phra Pidta Kraduk Pee" I have bought months ago on another website
I'm buddhist since few years living in France and I had many strange troubles at home recently since I acquired some amulets on other websites than yours.
Do you know if there is some kind of black magic in action and frequently used with amulets which could harm people ? I'm only seeking help to protect myself and my family in the respect of the Dharma.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Bxxxxx Dxxxxxx
Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.
The best of Thailand Buddha Amulets at