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Info > PhraSomdej WatRakhang

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PhraSomdej WatRakhang

By Purt Raksasab

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PhraSomdej WatRakhang is the most powerful Buddha amulets in Thailand blessed/chanted by Somdej Toh the legendary guru monk. With history, how to made the amulet, ceremonies and creator. PhraSomdej have the highest afford value in market and most precious Buddha amulet in Thailand.

There is 3 simple rules for the genuine PhraSomdej.

1. Mould type must be standard.

2. Materials and Ingredients must be correct

3. The look of PhraSomdej exact the age

PhraSomdej WatRakhang Khunsree PimYai

1. Mould type must be standard.

All genuine PhraSomdej come from the same moulds, expert find it easy to tell once they have been learned and see through the genuine PhraSomdej. As the old once said "You never know what is fake until you know what is real". PhraSomdej which pump out by hand come from the same mould(block) for each different mould type create by Somdej Toh and the palace goldsmith Luang Vijarn Jeranai, all the verify spot must be correct regards the original mould of the amulet.

2. Materials and Ingredients must correct.

PhraSomdej must have the right ingredients regards each Pim(Mould type) that inserted while made the amulet by Somdej Toh and the temple, the amulet can see the flow of ingredients shown onto the surface, which type of materials ex. incense holy powder, powder from flower pollen, 5 holy powder which expert must known the prodedure on how Somdej Toh made these special 5 holy powder to made PhraSomdej. have this information regards on each holy powder were made and consecrate by Somdej Toh, all the procedure to made PhraSomdej, and also mantras, yans(spells letters) that were all use in the ceremony by Somdej Toh for consecrate PhraSomdej, though we only point to this matter on how to verify PhraSomdej amulet in this section.

3. The look of PhraSomdej exact the age.

All PhraSomdej have good old history which made since b.e.2400+ by Somdej Toh, we can tell the old look of the amulet which can't be copy or remade as same. If we see a face of a kid and was told that he's 100 years old, it is impossible. Which is same that 10-20 years PhraSomdej that were made can not be compare with the original PhraSomdej which made for hundreds of years.

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