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Info > King of Butterfly 1st Batch

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How to verify King of Butterfly 1st Batch Ai-Mhong b.e.2543(a.d.2000)

By Purt Raksasab Official temple agent - Kruba Krissana Intawanno

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King of Butterfly 1st Batch Ai-Mhong b.e.2543(2000)


How to verify King of Butterfly 1st Batch Ai-Mhong B.E.2543

King of Butterfly 1st Batch Ai-Mhong b.e.2543. One of good old batch by official temple agent, shown the red brown colour, smooth surface texture. Wrote with Kruba blessing mantras.

Important verification spot to see the different of Ai-Mhong batch

King of Butterfly 1st Batch Weruwan b.e.2547(2004)

Apart from different in colour and rough surface texture. The batch Weruwan b.e.2547 have shown the swell out ingredients image of Kruba Krissana's "Yan" blessing mantras. This is one good basic and standard verify spot of the batch and when the amulet was created.

After 1st batch was created. Kruba then wrote the "Yan" blessing mantra, craft into the amulets mould(block). Only the batch Ai-Mhong2 which created by later time will have "Only One" single mantras at buttom. If Ai-Mhong2 don't have 1 yans at buttom, then it's 100% fake or new memorial batch.

After Ai-Mhong2 were created, one extra mantras was craft on top of the amulet. So now it's total of 2 yans letter mantras, for myself i would called Ai-Mhong3 but the items are not in the league or market system, so people don't give them exact name, and sorry for no example images shown. As from now, i'm sure many people can tell easy due to how many yans shown on the backside of the amulets, how many batch and later time were created. Look closely, and you'll see exact the same yans blessing mantras shown on the backside of the batch.

Masterpiece amulet, 1st Batch Weruwan B.E.2547(2004)

With thin craft and depend on how hardly press when pump out from the mould, it easy to see the half buttom part of yans still shown, actually when look clearly enough will find yans shown at the whole back as straight line(depend on each amulets, how much clear with pump out as per handmade). Though 50-100 batch later like 1st Batch Weruwan b.e.2547 with many yans letters craft more into the mould,made around 700-1000 amulets, possible extra made later by temples. The amulet still precious as one good old amulet made of the same mould type with similar ingredients of the 1st original King of Butterfly amulet, special chanted again by Kruba Krissana at

Price among market is $1,500-$2,000 USD at present, these amulets also one good old batch that price will rise more in future. And please becareful, as some seller will give you different details and price.

At B.E.2547(2004) after many yans mantras were craft into the mould(block). Kruba then decided to rub it smooth by sandpaper. This is when one new extra mould(block) King of Butterfly was made, which called Block B. The image of Block B look slightly wider and longer, plenty images of Block B can find easy among magazines and on this website.

Masterpiece King of Butterfly 1st Batch Weruwan b.e.2547(2004) after remade the mould.

New and later batch Ai-Mhong have no need to verify for expert, they're completely different in details and verify spot. Some specific or ultimate verify spot may not point toward in this guide as personal knowledge and experience. And the information that i had provided here are surely full details on how to differentiate, which will bring no confusion in future.

This is conclude all the important details to verify the King of Butterfly 1st batch B.E.2543. And please hear me that all of Kruba's holy items are powerful consecrated from great ceremony, even present day batch or $20 dollars amulets from him still bring great miracles to many people fortune, they're powerful consecrated bless/chanted under the same ceremony. By far there're many good feedback return to our store regarding his holy items.

Thank you very much for your time. May you find precious and great charm of Buddha holy items. May you have a great fortune blessing by powerful holy items from great guru monks we provide here.



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