Luangpu Hong batch "Gaonar Dee" B.E.2553
Luangpu Hong is alway one humble guru monk with many people respect from around the world, clean plain mat, no bed, no pillow. Luangpu Hong alway living in his way of dharma like elder's teaching. "much comfort , much suffer".
"Bai-Sree"(Offer worship tray) given to Luangpu Hong as worship to the master.
Luangpu Hong light victory candle(Tian-Chai) to start the consecrated holy items ceremony.
Blessing and chanting holy materials to be use in the ceremony.
Luangpu Hong alway teach his students to hold 5 precepts of Buddha, do not swear to those who give them life to live or their masters and don't tell lies. Luangpu alway tell students to chant "Na-May-Thi" always in mind, the mantra worship "PhraMae Torani"(Mother Earth) or the nature spirits that we're living.