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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 PhraKhunpanChoklarpMahasetthi Gold/Silver/Copper Trakruts
 Wat Petchaburi
 2.5x3.5 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Khunpan Choklarp Mahasretthi - Great Luck Billionaire fortune

PhraKhunpan amulet by Luangpu Hong is powerful chanting amulet. Khunpan bring charm attractiveness, kindness love and respect from people. Attached with 3 Kings style traktus Gold/Silver/Copper for strong protection fortune. Backside image of "Inku" a pair of god/devas lovers to bring charm.

Khunpan amulet is famous, and strong blessing fortune to people. Special bless/chant again by Luangpu Hong at ( The mantra can chant for meditation practice, this is not require to chant to the amulet or activate, as the amulet already chant effective by Luangpu Hong. )

Khunpan is a respectful elder in the past of Thailand,. Successful fast in his military service, in command with many soldiers as the rank of general. Learned many powerful spells from many masters, win all the battlefield with wisdom, win the love with great charm. His holy items with his name, prove one of the most famous amulet in Thailand. The famous Buddha amulet, with respect to his legend given his name as the mould type.

Inku original from Cambudian, one of charming holy items made by Cambudian master.

Inku - is an image of man and woman holding and loving each other. Belived since an old time that is the first couple on earth. The holy item prove of love between man and woman called "Inku".

Inku use to have overwhelming power to opposite sex, irresistible. Bring a strong bond, to make people love and want to stay close to the person who hold Inku. For those who seek love and want people to love themself, Inku is the amulet for this need. Inku not only use to bring attached from opposite sex, but also bring peaceful life fortune into the family. Good friendship and relation among friends and families. They'll love and hold each others to the last day like Inku.


PhraKatha Khunpanchomnarng

Ahom Sidthi Far-fuen-jum-rern-sri Sri-gu-ngarm-kue-far Nar-gu-ngarm-kue-phra-man Khan-gu-ngarm-kue-phra-na-rai Gai-gu-ngarm-kue-phra-ar-tid Rith-gu-ngarm-kue-phra-jan Sao-nai-mueang-sa-wan-hen-nar-gu-yu-mi-dai Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-rum-ruek-tueng-ton-mai-gor-hi-hai-ngong Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-rum-ruek-tueng-phya-hong-gor-mar-leum-tum Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-ma-rum-ruek-tueng-tao-phra-ya-gor-ma-leum-tan-ti-norn Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-ma-rum-luek-tueng-mae-gai-on-gor-ma-la-luk-len-tarm Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-lum-ruek-tueng-sao-gae-gor-ma-long-lai Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-lum-ruek-tueng-foong-kon-tung-lai-gor-mar-ruk-gu-yu-tuk-tuan-nar Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Gu-ja-rum-ruek-tueng-chan-fa-lae-te-va-da-tuk-vi-marn Na-Ma-Pa-Ta Ahom...Phra-Sidth Sa-Wa-Ha

This mantra Khunpan-chomnarng original by LuangpuHong passed down from the old guru master. Mixed with Pali and Thai mantra chanting to bring charm/attractiveness fortune, chant the sachet powder, oils, holy items, chant to bring good luck fortune.

Come with original temple box. Special bless/chanted by Luangpu Hong at

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