King of Butterfly PimYai Gold Garuda 3 Kings B.E.2564(2021)
Special bless/chanted again by Kruba Krissana Intawanno. King of Butterfly PimYai(Shiva blessing, big mould type). Consecrated ceremony B.E.2564(2021) lead by Kruba Krissana Intawanno.
King of Butterfly is the blessing of Shiva transformed, grant prayers strong miracles. Made of sacred holy powders materials. Front side, King of Butterfly quality plated with real gold, side with yant blessing mantras, gems attached. Back side, Garuda amulet attached, 3 Kings style (Gold/Silver/Copper). Garuda is the royal's emblem, the blessing of power and authority, to bring respect from all, quality gems attached.
Good amulet special blessing by Kruba Krissana Intawanno.
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