Luangpor Koon / Luangpor Tong B.E.2563(A.D.2020)
* This amulet is not blessed by Luangpor Koon.
Made years later after the monk passed away. Lead ceremony B.E.2563(2020) by Luangpor Koon's disciple, Luangpor Tong Suthaseeroh (Currently reside as abbot of WatBanrai temple - B.E.2566).
Great Turtle mantra amulet batch "Plodnee"(Free debt). Front side, image of Luangpor Koon and Luangpor Tong meditation blessing, surround with yant blessing mantras, back side, yant blessing mantra and temple stamp code.
This is the 1st batch PhyaTaorearn amulet by Luangpor Tong, released in B.E.2563.
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