Luangpor Koon B.E.2536(A.D.1993)

Luangpor Koon's amulet batch "Jaosua Mahasretthi"(Man of Wealth). Bless/chanted ceremony 5 November B.E.2536(1993) lead by Luangpor Koon Paritsutho, abbot of WatBanrai temple.
Great batch. Great amulet. During the peak on his time. Great ceremony consecrated during the time royalty visited WatBanrai temple. Buddha amulet PimJaosua(Man of Wealth) mould type made famous from Luangpu Boon, abbot of WatGlangbanggaw. With the frontside of Buddha meditation blessing upon the lotus, surrounding by the aura of Buddha. Back side, Luangpor Koon blessing with his signature pose holding yazen tobacco. "U" the protection mantra on top. Blessing word by side in Thai "Larp Pon Koon Tavee"(Fruitful result multiply), words "Luangpor Koon Paritsutho WatBanrai Darnkhuntod Nakhonratchasima 2536"
Monk amulet blessing good spiritual. Protection from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness. Consecrated by guru monks of Thailand.

Powerful protection. Fortune multiply forever.
1st hand consecrated with genuine quality.
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