Buddha PhraSomdej PimKatebuatoom B.E.2533(A.D.1990)

Buddha PhraSomdej amulet batch "Hai Larp"(Blessed Luck). Given name PhraPhong Paritsutho ChutTrimas(Sacred holy powder Paritsutho, Trimas set). Bless/chanted ceremony B.E.2533(1990) during Trimas, a monk-lend 3 months season. Consecrated 3 whole months by Luangpor Koon Paritsutho, abbot of WatBanrai temple. Luangpor Koon made this amulet in order to help gain donation for WatBoon temple.
Old and precious amulet by Luangpor Koon. Bless/chanted 3 whole months. Made of sacred holy powders by the monk.
Front side, Buddha Parng-Samathi(Meditation blessing pose). Buddha PhraSomdej PimKatebuatoom(A head of blooming lotus) mould type with a crescent moon ear shape, a clear line of Sangkathi monk's robe. Back side, Luangpor Koon chanting, holding rosary blessing, surrounds with yant blessing mantras. Round shape with word "Koon" on top. "Wat Boon" temple at bottom.
Buddha amulet bless good fortune and protection. Protect from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness. Consecrated by guru monks of Thailand.

Wat Boon is a monk's school where samanen(junior monks) study for graduation in Buddhist theology.

Powerful blessing. Fortune multiply forever.
1st hand consecrated with genuine quality.
The best of Thailand Buddha Statues/Amulets at
www.thailandamulets.com / www.thailandamulet.com