Buddha Pawana Viriya Baramee B.E.2561(A.D.2018)

Buddha amulet consecrated from WatRakhang temple. Ceremony B.E.2561(2018). In purpose to gain donation too build ordination hall at Pimoonpawanapitarn's dharma practice place.

Good batch consist of 2 amulets from historic temple of Thailand. Set "BuaToom - BuaBarn"(2 stages of lotus) when Lotus show it's bud and blooming. Regard Buddha's teaching which define human into 4 stages of lotus.
Front side, Buddha blessing. Parng-Marnvichai(Conquered evils/darkness) posture. Sitting upon the lotus and flowing river. Temple bell (Rakhang) on the background. Back side, batch name and word in Thai translated ; "Perseverance that is ready. With body, mind and wisdom. It will lead to success". Genuine temple stamp code and mantra.

Genuine. 1st hand connsecrated.
The best of Thailand Buddha Statues/Amulets at
www.thailandamulets.com / www.thailandamulet.com