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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Mongkut PhraBuddhajao Payant
 Wat Banrai
 52x52 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Payant blessing mantra B.E.2543(A.D.2000)

Luangpor Koon's Payant blessing mantra. Bless/chanted ceremony February B.E.2543(2000) lead by Luangpor Koon Paritsutho, abbot of WatBanrai temple.

Beautiful framed with acrylic glasss. Payant is use to ward off evils/sickness. To welcome good fortune to the place and prayers.

A good Payant blessing mantra.

At center. Yant PhraMongkut (The crown of Buddha) mantra, made and pass down by Somdej Toh, a legendary guru monk of WatRakhang. The old monks when pilgrimage uses this mantra in deep forest, mountians, caves. To ward off evils, dangers, ferocious animals when resting. And use to protect from haunted spirits.

Surrounded with 8 Arhant, disciples of Buddha. PhraAnya Goantanya. PhraMaha Kassapa. Phra Sariputra. Phra Upali. Phra Ananda. Phra Kwanpati. Phra Moakalana. Phra Rahula. Blessing in all 8 directions.

Yant Saliga Linthong. The charming bird mantra blessing love and kindness. Go anywhere people show kindness to, appreciation, love and respect.

Yant PhraJan Panjak(Moon of thousand wheels) mantra. Famous yant to use on see-pueng(blessed wax), welcome love, respect, charm.

Yant Thong maharath (Flag mantra). Victory blessing. The mantra use on the flag place at ubosod(Ordinatiion hall) of temple.

Yant Clawclard (Safe fortune). Protect from all weapons, all harms. Use on takruts.

On top. "Na Mo Put Ta Ya" the 5 elemente blessing mantras. At bottom "U" a protection yant mantra. "Na Cha Lee Thi" A heart of Sivali mantra, the fortune fetching monk. To welcome wealth and luck. "Na" a success yant mantra.Words in Thai translated ; Good luck. Prosper with gold and silver. Good trading. Batch and ceremony details. Sided with Nangkwak goddess welcoming good fortune.

Good payant blessed by Luangpor Koon. Many elders monk made Payant into a yellow color. This is regards the color of monks robe. Buddha's aura and golden Buddha. Yellow in color meaning is auspicios, energize and happiness.


Genuine. 1st hand connsecrated.

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