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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Luangpor Koon Payant blessing mantras
 Wat Banrai
 50x50 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Luangpor Koon's Payant Koon Raksa B.E.2543(A.D.2000)

*Special wrote mantra by Luangpor Koon.

Luangpor Koon's Payant blessing mantra batch "Koon Raksa"(Koon Protected). Bless/chanted ceremony B.E.2543(2000) by Luangpoor Koon Paritsutho, abbot of WatBanrai temple.

Rare and precious. This Payant is one of the masterpiece special wrote "Na" success mantra on it by Luangpor Koon, with temple stamp. Beautiful framed with acrylic glass. Payant is place to ward off evils/darkness. To welcome good fortune to place and prayer. The footprint Payant is famous. Made regard the Buddhabath. The Buddha's foot steps. The fate and actions that blessed through in the monk's life.

(Background of the item. This Payant. Received as gift from my uncle back there. Bought him a canon camera with 2 extra lens, help fixed his computers countless times, he then gave me as something in return among the 1st and early batch of Luangpor Koon's amulet. I can not tell you the price of Lp.Koon's 1st batch he bought directed from Luangpor Koon backthere or you'll be shocked. Market is too crazy. Told me himself got Luangpor Koon to signed this Payant. Very precious. This uncle, my family is not a lay-man. He is a senior thera monk, abbot of WatSumrhong temple. Luangpor Too. A respectful monk living his whole life.

At present. Many new made, copies/fake among market for the batch. Much easier to do than amulets because any print station can work it out.)

Left words in Thai translated. "You come see me. You are bless with good luck". Right "You go back. You are bless with properity". Temple names and year made at bottom. Side with yant blessing mantras.


Genuine. 1st hand connsecrated.

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