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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Buddha Chinnarath
 Wat Nongphong
 2.8x4.5 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Buddha Chinnarath B.E.2565(A.D.2022)

Luangpor Teang's Buddha Chinnarath amulet Ner-Phong(Sacred holy powder) type. Consecrate ceremony B.E.2565(2022) by Luangpor Teang Puripunyo, abbot of WatNongphong temple. Guru monk of Thailand.

Famous among university students, teachers, buddhist and disciples. Buddha Chinnarath is said to be one of the most beautiful Buddha image in the world and one of the most sacred Buddha statue of Thailand from historic temple WatPhraSrirattanamahatarth. It is a Buddha image in the posture of MarnVichai(Conquered evils/darkness).

The old king once praised the beauty of Buddha Chinnarath saying "Since I have seen the Buddha many times through all my lifes. I have never felt as delighted as PhraBuddhaChinnarath. If PhraBuddha Chinnarath remain at this city. This city will be a city worth visiting as long as it lasts".

In terms of worshipping. Buddha Chinnarath blessing prosperous life, a good health, a great deal of good fortune. Strong protection, this story regard the time of warring state in Ayudya perioud where the statue remain unharm. People believed that the virtue of Buddha's dharma bless to protect life through obstacles/misfortune.

Buddha's amulet bless good spiritual. Protection from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness.

Buddha Chinnarath's mantra

Namotassa Pakawatoh Arrahatoh Summa Sumputassa (3 times).

E-may-he Na-na Sak-ka-ray-he A-pi-pu-shi-tay-he Tee-gar-yu-goh Ho-mi

A-ro-koh Su-ke-toh Sid-thi-gad-jang Sid-thi-gum-mang Pi-yang Ma-ma

Phra-sid-lar-poh Cha-yo Ho-tu Sup-pat-ta Bud-dha-chin-na-ra-cha

A-pi-pa-lay-tu Mang Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya.

The mantra welcome the blessing of Buddha. To be prosper, healthy, safe and secure into fortune.


Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.

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