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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Buddha Perd-Loka
 Wat Nongphong
 2x5.2 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Buddha Perd-Loka B.E.2566(A.D.2022)

Luangpor Teang's Buddha Perd-Loka(Opened Worlds) amulet. Bless/chanted Songgran festival(Thailand's new year) ceremony B.E.2566(2023) by Luangpor Teang Purinpunyo, abbot of WatNongphong temple. Guru monk of Thailand.

Buddha open worlds posture is when Buddha bless his mother "Maya" at Travatrimsa heaven. When the Buddha descended from the realm. Buddha performed a miracle by revealing three worlds to all creatures. Heaven. Earth. and Hell.

The angels in heaven see humans and the creatures of hell. Humans see angels and hell creatures. Hell creatures see human and angels. This is one very important blessing of Buddha's dharma. Buddha bless the understanding towards good and evil. The law of karma.

In term of worshipping. The open worlds Buddha is to bless all lives with dharma, to welcome good fortune and given opportunity to prayers. To bring success to prayer's fortune.

Made of sacred holy powder type materials. Ner Gon-Krok art style(Bottom or deepest part of the mould) texture, where mixed of materials gathered. Front side, Buddha Perd-Loka blessing. Back side, Yant-MahaAumnard(Great Power) mantra wrote by monk from temple.

Buddha amulet bless good spiritual. Protection from danger/misfortune, evils/darkness.

Buddha Open World's mantra.

Budd-tang Bang-gerd Perd-Loka Lo-ka-vi-tu Vi-so-ta-yi Dham-mang-bang-gerd

Perd-loka Lo-ka-vi-tu Vi-so-ta-yi Sang-kang-bang-gerd

Perd-loka Lo-ka-vi-tu Vi-so-ta-yi

Budd-mo-ta-lu-plong-fah Budd-plong-din

Plong-sai-sin Plong-maha-samut-sakorn

Budd-dha-go-sa Lang-ga-sing-ha-pa-sa Budd-dho-perd-plong

Dham-mo-perd-chong Sang-ko-perd-perd Sum-rej Sum-rej- Sum-rej


Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.

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