Narai SrongKruith B.E.2565(A.D.2022)

PhraArchan Nikom's Narai(Narayana) srong Kruith (Riding Garuda) amulet. Bless/chanted ceremony B.E.2565(2022) BY Luangpor Nikom, abbot of WatTripoomsajadham temple.
Narai Srong Kruith or Vishnu riding Garuda amulet is one famous amulet type. As belief that the Buddha has avatar from the god. Garuda is the mount blessed by the god with powerful strength and immortality. With Garuda is the royal emblem of power, control over wind/distance, authority. Narai riding garuda amulet blessing toward career, power and success to prayer's fortune. And to bring protection against curse, evils, sickness.
Front side. Narai riding Garuda blessing. Lhong-Yar enamel art work of Sukhothai era. Back side, PhraGarn or Dharmapala (Mahakala) upholding the realm. Words "PhraNarai Srong Kruith" in Thai.
God amulet bless good mind, good spiritual. Protection from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness.

Luanngpor Nikom of WatTripoomsajadham temple.

Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.
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