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Item No.:
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 Buddha PhraLeela
 Wat Nongphong
 1.1x3.9 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Buddha PhraLeela B.E.2567(A.D.2024)

Luangpor Teang's PhraLeela amulet. Consecrate ceremony B.E.2567(2024) by Luangpor Teang Puripunyo, abbot of WatNongbhong temple. Guru monk of Thailand.

Lee-la mean grace or style in Thai. In Thai Buddhism. The posture of Buddha PhraLeela or Parng(Posture)-Leela is the Buddha blessing while walking.

The origin of Buddha PhraLeela comes from the story when Buddha descended from Tavatimsa by the end of Buddhist Lent. The Buddha, surrounded by Brahma and angels. At that momennt, the monk Sariputra praised the Buddha's graceful steps, causing men and angels who saw it to have great faith.

Parng-Leela is a pose that shows Buddha's kindness and courage. For he has traveled to spread the Dhamma to people in various regions.

During the Sukhothai era, it was popular times to create Buddha statues in four postures: sitting, resting, standing and walking. Buddha PhraLeela considered to be the most beautiful, unique, and is a characteristic of Buddhist sculpture that appeared for the first time in Sukhothai's artstyle.

Wrote with yant blessing mantra called "Yant Budd Aud-Muan-Loka". A famous blessing mantra by Luangpu Sook, WatPakrongmakamtao temple.

Buddha amulet bless good mind, good spiritual. Protection from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness.


Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.

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