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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Buddha Tanjai Ner-Phong
 Wat Nongphong
 2.6x3.7 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Buddha Tanjai Ner-Phong B.E.2567(A.D.2024)

Luangpor Teang's Buddha Tanjai Ner-Phong amulet. Consecrate ceremony B.E.2567(2024) by Luangpor Teang Puripunyo, abbot of WatNongbhong temple. Guru monk of Thailand.

Tan-Jai simple translated in Thai meaning "Arrive at Heart", is actually mean "Right away" or "As quickly as required" for it's proper meaning. Buddha statue given named "Luangpor Tanjai" is a 510 years old statue and one famous historic Buddha blessing statue of Thailand. Many visitors both Thai/Oversea come to pray for the blessing, and in return offer jasmins to worship the Buddha.

The statue located at WatPhratartdoikham of Chiangmai. Created during the Kingdom of Lanna. The Buddha image said to bring instant success to those who come to ask for blessing, this is regard the story when the statue was made within one single day.

Abbot of temple. Told his students about the vision he received. For any wishes granted. One must offer at least 50 bunches of jasmin flowers to the Buddha.

Buddha Tanjai Ner-Phong(Sacred holy powders type) materials. Bless/chanted by the monk, wrote with mantra at bottom. Side by two guru monk. Somdej Toh and Luangpor Ngern. As the monks's names. Toh mean "Big", to growth large and success. "Ngern" mean silver or money, to be blessed with wealth into fortune. Backside, Yant Ha or the five mantra by Luangpu Tim of WatLaharnrai temple. Consisted of 5 great mantras within.

Buddha amulet bless good mind, good spiritual. Protection from dangers, misfortune, evils/darkness.


Buddha Luangpor Tanjai's mantra

Ahom Na-Mo-Budd-Ta-Ya Ya-A-Sa Su-Mang Ja-Par-Ka



Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.

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