Luangpu Aim's Buddha Khunpan B.E.2566(A.D.2023)
Luangpu Aim's Buddha Khunpan amulet batch "PhraPhong Khunpan Chard-Payak" (Sacred holy powder Buddha Khunpan Tiger Life). Ceremony celebrate 106 years old of the monk, bless/chanted September B.E.2566 by Luangpu Aim, abbot of WatTungnamai temple. Guru monk of Thailand.
Buddha Khunpan mould type. Made by old style with hand. Front side, the Buddha blessing, riding upon the tiger. Back side, attached with consecrated materials by temple.
Buddha's amulet bless good mind, good spiritual. Protection from dangers/misfortune, evils/darkness.
Luangpu Aim, abbot of WatTungnarmai.
Genuine. 1st hand consecrated.
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