Phra Auppakuith
Phra Mahaaupakuith is one good amulet bring successful fortune. Image of powerful enlightened monk.
Phra Aupakuith image were made regards one PhraArrahun enlightened monk after the Buddha time around B.E.218, The monk are powerful guru same as PhraMokalana one of the first five disciple of Buddha.
Phra Aupakuith legend said he born in family name of "Vanith" His father job is sellng perfume at Matura province, He have 2 older brothers. His father promise PhraSarnvari(Sarnsumputh) that if he have to son he'll let him ordain join the buddha hood. Phra Aupakuith was the one who listen the dharma teaching from PhraSarnvari and decide to ordain.
According to the book "Pathomsompothkata" by SomdejPhramahasamanajaogrom Phrapalamanuchit Chinoroth (The 7th PhraSunkararth leader of thailand monk coucil of Thailand Jakri dynasty) It was the prediction of Buddha said that when the Buddhist era has pass for 218 years. There will be one monk name Aupakuith who destroy an evil. The legend said of the King Sridhumasokararth who want to gather all Buddha relic to place at Relic Pagoda altar he have builded 84,000 place all over india. The big ceremony will take 7 years 7 month 7 days.
The king was worried that something bad misfortune will happen, then he asked the monk council to look into the matter and ready for this. The junior monk then appear at the council and tell the senior to invite PhraAupakuith to the council for this matter. The king was in doubt that will he be good enough, he test him with the crazy elephant. Phra Aupakuith then use his spell to calm the elephant. With this test, the king have bow and pray to the monk.
It is not welcome for evils and bad spirits when human and gods worship the relics. The evils try to destroy the ceremony with many kind of disaster. PhraAupakuith can fix the problem everytime. He chant the dog's head hang around the evils for 7 years 7 months 8 days until the ceremony finish which bring the shame to all evils. Thus later on these evils have listen to the Dharma teaching and pray that they'll become Buddha in future, PhraAupakuith then release them at later time.
With the buddha's story and legend of god. Buddhism have builded image of PhraAupakuith for pray/worship and to protect from all dangers and misfortune or bad spirits. At present in many ceremony the monk will chant worhsip PhraAupakuith for protection and success in the ceremony and all kind of works.
PhraAupakuith is an Arrahun enlightened monk who meditation at the castle in the middle of an ocean. Any sea man or sailor would pray to him for a safe fortune during travel oversea and anything relate to an ocean.
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