Buddha PhraTarth Nadul of Dvaravathi B.E.1300-1500(a.d.757-957)
"Certificate guarantee Genuine sign by Luangpor Teang, abbot of the temple, donation given direct to the monk. Photoes included. Donators's names craft at base of Big Buddha statue and Monastery Hall."
"Quality Silver case included"
Buddha PhraTarth Nadul is an old art antique Buddha amulet of Dvaravathi era, one of the great founded by native farmers during cultivated their farms and big collection by thai people during the time from 8 June B.E.2522 (a.d.1979). Backthere, thailand's amulets are not famous worldwide. By B.E.2555 Thailandamulets.com post for everyone's offer worldwide in purpose to gain donation to build WatNongphong temple.

Nakhonjumpasri of Dvaravathi period.
In the past, few thai farmers native families and guru monks do have these Buddha amulets, due to famous name and many people seek, they won't tell anyone backthere to keep their home safe, polices/soldiers made fences but it won't stop people to get inside to dig. Few were let go of these Buddha amulets at the right time and offer.

Buddha Nadul founded the same place where people founded the relic of Buddha at Mahasarakam province. The place of great city called "Nakhonjumparsri". At present through Thailandamulets.com, Buddha Nadul amulets are rare and famous, keep/collected by politicians, higher rank official soldiers/policemen, certain guru monks and successful business men/women friends worldwide. Buddha Nadul belief by many to bring power and great luck into fortune.

The amulet approved given direct by Luangpor Teang in purpose to gain donation to build big Buddha Poonsab and Boath ordation hall, to post on the website to gain donation, same with many archeologists (Ex. Khun Somsuda Rartanin from Otago University NZ) and art&culture ministry of Thailand as genuine and one finest art of Buddha amulets. Confirmed the Buddha art's style made by palace's craftmanship during the era. Buddha Nadul had been checked at Otago University for the amulets are hard and very strong texture due to mixed of materials, been there for more than thousand years. Belief by villagers that elder's spirits/god lead them to founded, to bring expansion of Buddha's religion.

For this Buddha amulet. Name/Title of donators craft at the base of Buddha's statue. Certificate sign guarantee genuine and blessing mantras by Luangpor Teang, abbot of WatNongphong temple.

Special bless/chanted holy item for donators from USA/Australia again before send.

Thousand years, precious Thailand Buddha Amulet.
The best of Thailand Buddha Statues/Amulets at
www.thailandamulets.com / www.thailandamulet.com