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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Luangpor Ngern
 Wat Nongphong
 6x9 inch approx
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Guru monks statues ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Guru monk statue, bless/chanted lead ceremony by Luangpot Teang, abbot of WatNongphong temple. Guru monk statue invited mantras by guru monks himself, invite mantra blessing by God/Deva. Consecrate with powerful mantras by Luangpor Teang, guru monk of Thailand.

Monk statue place at home/office/shop, prayer's room to bring good fortune. Divine protection from evils/darkness, protection from cursed sickness/misfortune. Monk statue also use to place at temple/monk's room to bring good meditation practise and make the area with holy blessing, to bring blessing by the guru monk's spirit.

Click here for ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Luangpor Ngern

Luangpor Ngern, respectful elder and guru monk of Thailand. The monk born at 16 September b.e.2353(a.d.1810) from Bangclarn village of Pijit province. 4th son in a family. Father named "Au" from Bangclarn village. Mother "Fuk" also a villager from Gumpanpeth province. Luangpor Ngern born in the reign of King Rama 1st of Rattagosin era. 6 children in a family.

By B.E.2356 the monk is 5 years old, his master name "Chuang" took him to Bangkok to study. When he's old enough to ordain and enter monk hood as junior monk, the master took him to study at WatChanasrongkram temple, to study dharma and knowledges until B.E.2363 12 years old, he then ordained 1st time as samanen junior monk of Buddha's hood, given title name "Puttachothi".

Luangpor Ngern study dharma knowledges, vipassana gumatarn meditation for 3 years at WatChanasrongkram temple. During the time, the monk also learned Silapavitayakhom(Art of spells), even vippasanatura in mettamahaniyom blessing, khongrapan chratri blessing for protection mantras from Somdej Toh, his elder guru monk master from WatRakhang.

When he's 20 years old, his parent and all relative want him to ordain but Luangpor Ngern doesn't want, because his age not yet ready. Luangpu Ngern then ordain by B.E.2373 at an age of 22 years old, given same tital "Puttachothi". Luangpor Ngern's 1st master is LuangporPoh from WatWangmarnao, all the spells knownledge, ceremonies and mantras, meditation practise all learned from him.

4 years later, his grandpa got ill, he then move to Pohtalay at WatKhongkaram temple, spend time there for 1 year then move to WatTainam temple. He's a monk who interest in spiritual/spells and blessing power over nature. He also love peaceful life, peace and quite far from people. He then continue to WatWangtagoh, deep in the river flow, later he builded the temple WatHiranyararm.

WatHiranyararm is Luangpor Ngern's temple, builded by B.E.2377. The temple growth fast, many people visited, many young monks students, those who seek consecrated powerful holy items by Luangpor Ngern, those who seek the monk to help heal their minds and bodies. Luangpor Ngern had given rank to be "JaoKhun" class of vipassana meditation by monk's association. As one guru monk of Thailand.

By the time of Luangpor Ngern, just like Somdej Toh or Luangpor Koon. He's one of the best monk of the era. His student by later generation also famous EX. LuangporPit WatKakhang famous with twin takruts for life. Luangpor Noi WatKhongkararm, also famous with takruts made by animal's skins. Luangpor Hom WatLuang. LuangporNuan WatHadmulgrabue. LuangporFoong WatPaknam. LuangporKum WatPohteer. LuangporPai WatTarluangpon.

Luangpor Ngern given rank to be "PhraUpachaya" monk who can ordain others, and given class of "Jaokhun"(Lord abbot) of Vipassana meditation. Luangpor Ngern passed away by an old age 20 September B.E.2462, at an age of 111 years old. Spend 90 years in the monk hood.

In Thailand, he is one legendary guru monk of Thailand and respectful elder for all times.

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