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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Luangpu Mun
 Wat Nongphong
 6x9 inch approx
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Guru monks statues ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Guru monk statue, bless/chanted lead ceremony by Luangpot Teang, abbot of WatNongphong temple. Guru monk statue invited mantras by guru monks himself, invite mantra blessing by God/Deva. Consecrate with powerful mantras by Luangpor Teang, guru monk of Thailand.

Monk statue place at home/office/shop, prayer's room to bring good fortune. Divine protection from evils/darkness, protection from cursed sickness/misfortune. Monk statue also use to place at temple/monk's room to bring good meditation practise and make the area with holy blessing, to bring blessing by the guru monk's spirit.

Click here for ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Luangpu Mun

Luangpu Mun(Constant), legendary guru monk of Thailand. Founder of vipassana-gumatarn meditation. Luangpu Mun or PhraArcharn Mun Purithut Tera born on Thursday 21 January B.E.2413(a.d.1870) at BanKumbhong village, TumbolKhongjeam of Ubonrachathani province.

Father name Kumduang Gangaw. Mother "Jhan". Grandfather name "Fia Gantao", 9 children in family. Luangpu Mun is an eldest son. LuangpuMun born with small body, red/white skin, yet strong and fast, the monk shown quick wit and wisdom since he was young. In the past don't have school, those who want to study have to go to temple "Wat".

Samanen Mun (Junior monk) when he was 15 years old, ordained at WatBankumbhong, studied dharma, thai and khom languages. He was admired by many masters monk, that he learned and understand fast by his wisdom, his attitute is well-manner, respect himself and respect others, polite and don't hold anger toward others.

2 years in the monk hood. When Archarn Mun turn 17 years old. His father asked him to leave the hood, because a family need eldest son to help support, it is responsibility to look after young brothers sisters.

At first, Luangpu Mun don't want to leave the monk hood. His heart stick to dharma, he founded peaceful in way of his living life, he want to study more of dharma. But he can't say no to his father.

5 years later when he turned 22 years old. Luangpu Mun then ordained again become a monk.

From 17-22 years old before ordain. Luangpu Mun is the same with many brave heart man that want to test life with obstacles by his own will. A farmer life is hard and strong, face the ground and back face the sky all day with burning sun light. Raise cows and buffaloes. Play games, dance/party, got into a fight, like any young man. He is also good as poet.

Luangpu Mun entered a monk hood on 12 June B.E.2436 at WatSrithong temple, ordained by PhraAriyagree(Aon), PhrakruSreetao, Phrakruprajakubonkhun. Given title name "Puritutho".

Once ordain. Luangpu Mun visit WatLeab to study meditation, the master is LuangpuSao Guntasiroh. The way to practise vipassana-gumatarn Luangpu Mun learned is to hold word "Put-Tho" in pratising. Luangpu Mun use this word all his life, for the meaning is more than any words.

Luangpu Mun had become completely different person from when he was young, fully a monk with strict in all the rules, full meditation practise as forest monks with many followers. DharmaTudong(Pilgrimages) are strict rule of truth monk hold by Luangpu Mun.

1. Simple cloths for wear, torn then fix by own hand. Dye into dark brown colour(forest monk colour), do not receive high quality Phra-Tri(3 season monk robes) offer from people.

2. Bintabaht walk in an early every morning to receive foods from people then give dana blessing, not sit back comfort wait for people to visit and make offering. Accept the days which Luangpu Mun spend meditation practise, many days he not walk away from the forest.

3. Do not receive foods/waters offer later. Only when walk Bintabaht.

4. One meal one time a day.

5. Eat foods from Baht(Monk's food bowl). All foods not separate but mixed/melt altogether, not stick/attach to any taste, only full for survive which maintain the body.

6. Spend sometime alone in mountain/forest/cave, to train mind alone with be one with nature and hidden truth. To bring set of peaceful mind and far away from people.

7. Use only 3 monks's robes.

This 7 strict rules, the monk live and practise by his whole life. Luangpu Mun is a man of his word, what he said he followed with life. His practise is toward nibana, the same foot steps of Buddha. Luangpu Mun live as arrahant monk, guru monk that many famous monks these days learned from him.

By legend record that during his meditation. Buddha visited him and teach Luangpu Mun, he then continue these teaching to young generaion. The teaching about life and karma, what exist beyond the world of living and how souls travel in living fortune.

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