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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Luangpu Sook
 Wat Nongphong
 6x9 inch approx
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Guru monks statues ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Guru monk statue, bless/chanted lead ceremony by Luangpot Teang, abbot of WatNongphong temple. Guru monk statue invited mantras by guru monks himself, invite mantra blessing by God/Deva. Consecrate with powerful mantras by Luangpor Teang, guru monk of Thailand.

Monk statue place at home/office/shop, prayer's room to bring good fortune. Divine protection from evils/darkness, protection from cursed sickness/misfortune. Monk statue also use to place at temple/monk's room to bring good meditation practise and make the area with holy blessing, to bring blessing by the guru monk's spirit.

Click here for ceremony B.E.2555(2012)

Luangpu Sook

Luangpu Sook Wat Pakrongmakarmtao is the one with great karma, everyone known his story, his amulets is the powerful type that everyone searching and to have at least one. Luangpu born in Monday April B.E.2390 year of an ox in the reign of King Rama 4th. He's from Chainarth province, the first son of 8 brothers/sisters. The temple used to called Wat Authongpakrongmakarmtao since then and people reduce it's name in the present, Luangpu Sook has been studied there since he was young until he turn 18 years old, he was expert in khom language, then he decide to travel to gain experience on his own journey. He's back at the temple at an age of 20 years old and ordain enter the monk hood.

Luangpu Sook is one truly strict monk, full of dharma practice and knowledge, a deep understand in Tripitaka. Well versed in mediation and chanting, experienced in Aukara yans spells letters and magic spells. His master name "PhraArcharn Chei", one who tought him elder's knowledge spells and "peng gazin" focus mind meditation until he become a master.

"Peng Gazin" meditation is a basic of learning any magic spells and make a powerful effect in reality. One with successful focus mind of meditation can controls elements. Can see through things and can make powerful holy items. Same with other elder monks in the past ex. Luangpor Parn WatBarngnomko, Luangpor Derm WatNhongpoh.

In the past, thai people called Luangpu Sook a master of spell, a high class of miracle which few can do. Before he came back to stay at WatPakrongmakarmtao temple he've been prilgrimage all over thailand in the forests and mountains learning from many masters.

Luangpu Sook spended many years learning magic spells and practice his meditation, his consecrated holy items bring invincible, protection from misfortune dangers and evils. It was really big name spread that many young monks all over thailand would come study from him, Ex. Luangpor Taweesak , Luangpu Supar , Luangpu Garlong , Luangpor Joy. Many of thailand guru monks at present day prove well how respectful he is, all their amulets made regards Luangpu Sook spells and every time they consecrate in the ceremony, they alway chant mantras to invite god/devas, elders monks and Luangpu Sook's spirit to join the ceremony. Even the famous general of thailand royal navy SadejTeer or Gromaluang Chumpon paying respect to him and become one of Luangpu Sook's disciple.

Luangpu Sook passed away in B.E.2466 at an age of 76 years old. Still his legend live on until today. Many monks consecrated amulets follow his way of ceremony. Alway thankful to elder and may Luangpu Sook's spirit attain nibana and protect us always.

Luangpu Sook's mantra

Namotassa Pakawatoh Arrahatoh Summar Sumputassa (3times) mantras worship Buddha/Dharma/Monks

It Thi Arrahung Sukatho Gesaroh Na Ma Tay Phrasitthimay E Hi Ar Ho NaMoPutTaYa

"Sut Tar Teva Manussanung Puttho Pakawathi Ma Ar Au"

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