King of Buttefly Ai-Mhong Memento B.E.2555
Ai-Mhong mold is Kruba Krissana's favorite of all time, made famous since King of Butterfly 1st batch. The batch Ai-Mhong Memento made B.E.2555(2012) bless/chanted through wai-kru ceremony, lead by Kruba Krissana Intawaano. One precious batch of all time, given direct from Kruba Krissana himself. Craft yants blessing mantra and signature at the back by Kruba Krissana.
Shiva mantras is the highest blessing of all. Bring strong protection against dangers/misfortune, protection away from all evils/darkness souls curse sickness. Shiva is the king of all gods, pray and worship by centuries, the blessing of Shiva is highest and none can compare.
Click here for more about Shiva
The effects of the King of Butterfly pendants are as follows:
Helps in creating business opportunities and drawing wealth
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims
Averting obstacles and danger
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