PhraPidda Mahawan wai-kru b.e.2552-2554(2009-2011) Chant 3 years.
PhraPidda Mahawan released at wai-kru ceremony B.E.2552(2009) worship elders/masters spritis, the PhraPidda amulet given to those who pray respect with offering tray to Kruba Krissana. Lead ceremony bless/chanted by Kruba Krissana Intawanno at Weruwan temple. Only at special bless/chanted 3 years with many ceremonies until B.E.2554(2011).

High quality case included for all items
PhraPidda is original image of Sangkajai monk, one of Buddha's disciple who have full of wealth fortune on his image. People alway worship Sangkajai for great wealth fortune into life and family. PhraPidda(Pidda = Close eyes) pose during the enlightened of Sangkajai when he founded peaceful happiness and realize his previous life with Buddha regarding Tossachadok story (The ten previous lives of Buddha). In Thailand, people wear PhraPidda for good protection and bring good prosperous fortune like Sangkajai himself.
PhraPidda Mahawan is one good PhraPidda amulet by Kruba Krissana, also as 1st batch of Pidda amulet Kruba made for the 1st time. Frontside, image of PhraSangkajai pidda blessing, surround with yant blessing mantra. The backside, dharmachakra the wheel of fortune filled with yant blessing mantra to bring good fortune and protection to wearer.
Powerful blessing amulet. Wai-Kru ceremony b.e.2552 at Weruwan temple.

Click here for ceremony photoes
Wai-Kru(Worship elders/masters spirits) B.E.2554. Kruba Krissana's birthday B.E.2554.

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Helps in creating business opportunities and drawing wealth
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims
Averting obstacles and danger

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