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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Buddha Narkprok Dragon Blessing 3 Gold Takruts
 Wat Petchaburi
 5 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Luangpu Hong Buddha Narkprok B.E.2556

Luangpu Hong's Buddha Narkprok amulet attached with 3 gold takruts chanted with blessing mantra, ceremony B.E.2556(2013) batch "Berk Fah"(Open Sky-Heaven), lead ceremony by Luangpu Hong Prompunyo, guru monk of Thailand.

Buddha amulet attached with 3 gold takrut, quality real gold art work with Dragon blessing at the backside. Made of sacred holy powder consecrated through ceremonies by Lp.Hong. Frontside, image of Buddha Narkprok blessing peaceful life fortune, side with yants blessing mantra for successful and protection, 3 gold takrut attached, top word "Buddha Narkprok", buttom word "Luangpu Hong Prompunyo". Backside, image of Dragon blessing great fortune and protection.


Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya Na-Ma-Pa-Ta

Ja-Pa-Ga-Sa Pa-Ja-Kha Na-May-Thi (12 times)

The mantres worship Buddhas, elements, mother earth and welcome good fortune.

Saturday Buddha - Parng Narkprok

This dramatic statute depicts the Buddha sitting in meditation, protected by a cobra hood. The Buddha sits cross-legged in meditation, with overlapping hands, palms upwards, whilst Mucalinda, the cobra (King of Naga) spreads its hood above the Buddha's head.

The Buddha is in meditation and protected from a storm by Maculinda, the King of the Naga. The image is related to the moment when a naga spreaded its hood to protect the Buddha from a rainstorm while he was in profound meditation.

Saturday Buddha's mantra

Ya-Toh-Hung Pa-Ki-Ni A-Ri-Yar-Ya Cha-Thi-Ya Cha-Toh Na-Pi-Cha-Na-Mi Sun-Jid-Ja Par-Nung Chi-Vi-Tar Vo-Ro-Pay-Tar Ten Sud-Jay-Na So-Ta-Hi Tay Ho-Tu Kub-Pas-Sa

Ancient chinese dragon is a son of God who passed from heaven to be born in the human world. He is a symbol of the sky, a representative of the Emperor who had been born as a God of the East more than 4,000 years ago according to the Chinese legend record. The dragon is considered as having more power than any other large and small animals with a horn resembled the antler, big, fierce-looking eyes, covered its entire body with 117 scales and its soles are like those of the king eagle with 5 claws. It was believed by the ancient Chinese that the dragon's saliva could cause the magic crystal ball known as "The Pearl of the Moon" or "The Pearl of the Fertility" to be produced.

Donation from worldwide of B.E.2555(2012) 20.865m thb. Thank you for donation from worldwide support to build Phrasartpetch(Monastry) by Luangpu Hong.

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