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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Rean Sema
 Wat Nongphong
 2.3x4 cm
History of Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang Amulets Bangkok - Thailand

Luangpor Teang's rean sema

Rean Sema is a shape of Boh tree's leaf, famous and made by many guru monks. Rean Sema by Luangpor Teang consecrated placing monastry's altar at the temple, monk's amulet bring good fortune and protection.

Frontside, image of Luangpor Teang meditation blessing. Backside, ittipisoh mantras bless 8 direction, batch and ceremony details.

1. E-ra-cha-ka-ta-ra-sa call Gra-tu-jed-bak, use protect at east side, protect from poison from animals.

2. Thi-hang-ja-toh-ro-thi-nang the 100,000 rains protect at south-east, this mantra use to consecrate holy water, heal sickness/illness.

3. Pi-sum-ra-loh-pu-sat-putt call Narai(Vishnu) swallow an ocean, protect the south, the mantra craft/pray to protection from evils/darkness curses.

4. So-ma-na-ga-ri-tar-yoh call Narai(Vishnu) ready chakram, protect south-west side, chant/recite 108 at ceremony to make holy water/weapon, exocise/purify, help pregnancy.

5. Pa-sum-sum-vi-sa-te-pa call Narai trown chakram holding the 3 worlds, protect west side, chant to heal sickness person, purify evils/darkness places/person.

6. Ka-put-pun-tu-dham-va-ka call Narai turn over the earth, chant to make holy water, protect from possess/pass evils souls, curse black magic, place with spirits remain.

7. Va-toh-no-ar-ma-ma-wa cann Narai shout over himmapan forest, protect north side, chant zaizin(blessed white robes), knife/swords/spear, rices, purify/protection from evils/darkness while travel to different places.

8. Ar-vit-su-nud-sa-nu-sa-thi call Narai transformed, protect north-east side, bless/chanted to ownself when go outside, protection from all harms/dangers misfortune.

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