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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 King of Butterfly PimThep Si-Thid
 Wat Weruwan
 2.6x3.3 cm
History of Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang Amulets Bangkok - Thailand

King of Butterfly Thep Si-Thid B.E.2557

King of Butterfly amulet batch Thep Si-Thid(4 directions blessing) with silver takrut craft with yant blessing mantras by Kruba Krissana Intawanno, one of PimLek(Small mould type) made with sacred holy materials, beautiful fragrance, full consecrated wai-kru(worship elders/masters's spirits) ceremony B.E.2557(2014) at Weruwan temple. Given direct to, official temple agent.

King of Butterfly PimLek(small mold types) given direct from Kruba Krissana Intawanno right out from his resting room after the ceremony, stampe with "Intawanno" title of Kruba Krissana given in monk hood, high quality art work with gems attached, wealth spiders gem attached. Attached with PhraPikaned(Ganesha) / PhraPhrom(Brahma) / Trimurathi(3 gods Shiva/PhraPhrom/Narai) amulets. Powerful Gods blessing holy items.

Shiva Jumlang transformed into the King of Butterfly. Shiva mantras is the highest blessing of all. Bring strong protection against dangers/misfortune, protection away from all evils/darkness souls curse sickness. Shiva is the king of all gods, pray and worship by centuries, the blessing of Shiva is highest and none can compare.

Photoes at Wai-Kru ceremony B.E.2557(2014)

The effects of the King of Butterfly pendants are as follows:

Helps in creating business opportunities and drawing wealth
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims
Averting obstacles and danger


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