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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 King of Butterfly PimGrang Kitzune 9 Tails
 Wat Weruwan
 2.8x3.9 cm
History of Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang Amulets Bangkok - Thailand

King of Butterfly PimGrang Kitzune 9 Tails B.E.2557

King of Butterfly PimGrang(medium mold type), attached with 4 silver takruts craft with yant protection mantras, attached with golden PhraPidda Sangkajai amulet and Kitzune 9 tails blessing, bless/chanted at wai-kru(worship elders/masters) ceremony b.e.2557(2014) by Kruba Krissana Intawanno, stamp with "Intawanno" title.

PhraPidda is original image of Sangkajai monk, one of Buddha's disciple who have full of wealth fortune on his image. People alway worship Sangkajai for great wealth fortune into life and family. PhraPidda(Pidda = Close eyes) pose during the enlightened of Sangkajai when he founded peaceful happiness and realize his previous life with Buddha regarding Tossachadok story (The ten previous lives of Buddha). In Thailand, people wear PhraPidda for good protection and bring good prosperous fortune like Sangkajai himself.

Shiva Jumlang transformed into the King of Butterfly. Shiva mantras is the highest blessing of all. Bring strong protection against dangers/misfortune, protection away from all evils/darkness souls cursed sickness, bring wealth luck into fortune. Shiva is the king of all gods, pray and worship by centuries, blessing of Shiva said to have greatest miracles of all gods/deva. King of Butterfly amulet by Kruba Krissana Intawanno is one good holy item and famous world-wide.

Beautiful fragrance of sacred holy materials, spider gems attached. 4 protection takruts attached. PhraPidda Sangkajai arrahant and Kitzune 9 tails amulets attached, quality art work, finest holy item by direct from Kruba Krissana Intawanno. (Official Temple Agent

The Nine-tailed fox

In Japanese folklore it is believed that foxes -or 'kitsune' as they are also called- are intelligent beings and possess magical abilities.

The more tails a kitsune has the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. In some folktales it is said that a kitsune will only grow an additional tail when it has lived for 1000 years. When a kitsune grows its ninth tail, its fur becomes golden or white. These nine-tailed foxes gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. Other tales attribute them infinite wisdom.

Most notably they are known for their ability to take on human forms an ability learned when it reaches a certain age (usually 100 years). Foxes are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a fox.

Other supernatural abilities commonly attributed to the kitsune include possession, mouths or tails that generate fire or lightning (known as kitsune-bi; literally, fox-fire), wilful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality.

Photoes at Wai-Kru ceremony B.E.2557(2014)

The effects of the King of Butterfly pendants are as follows:

Helps in creating business opportunities and drawing wealth
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims
Averting obstacles and danger


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