PhraSomdej WatRakhang b.e.2557
PhraSomdej is the most famous Buddha amulet in Thailand for all times, and at present famous world-wide. PhraSomdej amulets bless/chanted from good ceremony and monks from all over Thailand. For Buddha is symbol of peaceful and prosperity. Many wear PhraSomdej WatRakhang for the blessing mantras and powerful force to bless and protect their fortune.
Buddha PhraSomdej WatRakhang b.e.2557 is one good holy items, consecrated by many guru monks of Thailand. Sacred holy materials created neat procedure to made, mixed with old holy materials from previous batch and other famous holy items in the past. One good Buddha amulet from Thailand.
Made into 5 separate mold type. PimYai (Big mold type). PimJaydee (Pagoda mold type). PimGatebuatoom (Head bloom lotus). PimTarnsam (Extra bases). PimKanan(Score mold type.). Each of these pim(mold) have their unique different in beauty and meaning. Genuine temple stamp code by the side of amulet.
Frontside image of Buddha meditation blessing. Backside, chinabunchorn mantras. Holy bell image for PimKanan mold type.
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