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Item No.:
Item's Name:
 Phra Sivali
 Wat Weruwan
 3.3x4.2 cm
Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

Phra Sivali

Powerful blessing amulet by Kruba Krissana Intawanno.

Phra Sivali is an enlightened monk Phra Arrahun in the Buddha time (before Phra Sunkajai), He's a greatest fortune-fetching monk. Lord Buddha praised him as the most miraculous monk for fortune.

During Lord Buddha and all his disciples prilgrimage. They walked through the jungle, there were no people but gods and the unseen creatures existed along the way they went by. There are no people offered food.

Phra Arnon (An enlighted monk who born same day/month/year with Lord Buddha) Lord Buddha's closest disciple then asked "How and where could they get food from? Had they anything to eat?"

Phra Arnon was strongly worried about that. But Lord Buddha soothed him to worry nothing because Sivali, who had also joined the prilgrimage group, could help bring food for everyone by his great miraculous power. That's true, all gods/devas and unseen creatures in the jungle gathered to pay respect to Sivali and brought a great deal of food for all.

To wear and worship Phra Sivali amulet, the wearer alway live with full of prosperity, strong wealth and luck fortune. This amulet is powerful and bless/chant by Kruba Krissana Intawanno.

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