Khunpan Sretthi Punlarn
Khunpan is one famous amulet type in thailand which blessing charm/attractiveness fortune to the wearer, the holy item blessing kindness and respect from all people among strong protection. 2 Silver trakruts attached.
PhraKatha Khunpan Mahametter Mahasanae
"Na Met-ta Mo Ga-ru-na Putt Pra-nee Tar Yin-dee Ya En-du
Sa-Ra-Pat-Srut-Tru Vi-Nard-Sun-Thi It-Thi-Pi-So Pa-Ka-Wa Hen-Na-Va-Jar
En-du-duay Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya"
Buddhistic power - Metta Mahaniyom(Kindness love and respect), Mahasanae(Great charm attractiveness), Choaklarp(Good luck fortune), Clawclard(Safe protection), Kakhaidenaklae(Prosperity fortune.)
Strong enchanting charm and attractiveness fortune. Kindness, wealth/luck,protection.
Luangpu Key Gitthiyanoh, holy items batch "Sretthi PunLarn" Billionair fortune 7 October b.e.2551. Bless/chant by Luangpu Key WatSrilumyong. Powerful blessing holy item.