King of Butterfly PimNiyom Yai b.e.2552
Kruba Krissana's personal amulet, handmade by Kruba Krissana himself. Image of PhraShiva transformed in King of Butterfly, powerful blessing in fortune and protection, high quality gems attached, 2 gold trakruts each craft with yans blessing mantra by Kruba Krissana. Center with yin/yang amulets.
For this amulet, certificate sign guarantee genuine direct from Kruba Krissana himself, money go as donation to support the temple. official temple agent.
The effects of the King of Butterfly pendants are as follows:
Helps in creating business opportunities and drawing wealth
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims
Averting obstacles and danger