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Info > The Life of Buddha

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Buddha

Buddha reached enlightenment(1,2) under the Boh tree of Buddhakaya. Surround with sacred ancients Gods and deities, ancestors spirits who bless and support toward the way of dharma and all morality, same with first 3 Buddhas before him. The wisdom of light is granted, once again bless to the world of living.

The 4th Buddha Gautama was born.

"Why this disease happened to me?", "Why my children got murders?", "Why i born and live with imperfect bodies?" "Will there be next life?". "Will i meet my love ones again?". "Why i am not happy like others?". "Why people keep hurt/sacrifice and kill never end?", "Why i have all the debt of mountain".

"Why i am never satisfy?" Many questions went toward Buddha.

"Why we're suffering"?.

Why god's challenge and creation, bring pain and suffer that we have to endure?.

What is the reason for survival ?

Buddha's teaching point to see the law of karma, when one-self stop by blaming fate or put reasons on others, but to look deeper in each one's soul regards to their actions which cause the effect in return, the answer is freedom of choices were given to the living. The answer expand to journey of souls and spiritual, the blessing to fortune expanded with no limit in one life to many, which lead him as one of the greastest philosopher and spiritual leader of the world. Countries, rulers, family or life, everything fade through time. But not Dharma. Buddha said to everyone to keep dharma as the phophet, follow the Dharma, not Buddha himself. The teaching point to many monks/living that they don't need to be forgiven/help or support by Buddha's soul, even follow blindly to be better, to attain nibana, or to reach heavens, or to end all hatred and vengeance suffering.

Dharma blessing is part of every actions and life. It is inside our mind, our freedom of choice

Dharma is Buddha. Dharma is the light of universe and every souls.

Many times his father the old King sent soldiers with pram(brahmin) philosophers to invite Buddha back to his palace, it's not work. Those who meet dharma, they ordained together with Buddha and never return back to Kapilavastru. Until Buddha's old childhood friend "Garutayi" ordained 8 days old, asked Buddha to return. Buddha then shown the blessing power of nature, with the peaceful rains and sun shine bright during his visit, all by his will.

The power of love as great as sacrifice. Truth love is a triumph of imagination over all intelligences.

The act of love beyonds all reasons.

The powerful of loving kindness is the highest act of souls, admire/respect by all the gods and living.

The heart of Pimpar shown it all when she once again meet Buddha.

Everyday that Buddha was suffered to attain enlightenment, in searching to end all suffering and find the answer, she also suffer the same, her heart and soul never change from her fate, because her love it never for her own.

Buddha then told Pimpar

"We've been together in every lives, sacrifice for each others by countless of times." Buddha given the dharma teaching and story of Jadaginari chadok, one of 500 previous lives of Buddha.

Pimpar then founded sodhabund(1,2) wisdom. Her soul is truth.

Nanda(1,2) monk, son of Mahapajapati Gotami. When he ordained and follow Buddha, he still can't take his mind off his beautiful wife. Buddha then use the wisdom blessing, to shown Nanda the most beautiful angels, and tell Nanda to make a choice between them. Nanda fall into the beauty, instead of moral/goodness. His practise shown immoral and drown in never last of beauty. This is not dharma.

Many monks do not accept this. Nanda have to fled away and practise on his own, later that his soul found dharma, the monks hood accept him into the arrahants(1,2).

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