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Info > The Life of Buddha

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Buddha

To reign over living in monarchy, it require wealth and power/authority. Pimpar bring Rahul to ask Buddha for his wealth/estate and treasure, to pass down to Rahul for the reign.

Buddha said to his son. "I have the most valuable treasure to give you". The wisdom of dharma grant to Rahul. The first samanen(1,2) junior monk in the hood of Buddha.

By this cause, The King Suthodana is unhappy for there'll be no hair to the throne. He then ask Buddha about ordation's rule, for young kids, it must be allow and blessing of their parents first.

Birth, Grown old weak with sickness, hurt and died. These go to every lives and same with the King. By the greater karma of Buddha, he bless the King through his forehead. Arnon(1,2) the disciple bless through both his palms. Rahul blessing through his back and feets. Mahapajapati Gotami then ordained after the funeral by this cause, among with many women and relatives. She is the 1st Pisuni(1,2) in the world.

Spirit of the universe is boundless, the enlightenment soul of Buddha can travel to any realm.

Before Buddha went back to rest at Daodueng(1,2) the realm where spirits of every Buddhas stay. He also shown Yamoga miracle to those evils/darkness that despite the way of dharma.

Many great souls pray respect to him. Souls of many greats Kings, warriors, those ancients spirits that are part of nature, even his mother soul was invite for the blessing. By 7 dharma scrolls in 3 months blessing by Buddha to all gods/deva. The blessing of Buddha fit into many God's legends/stories for thousands of years.

Preserve or steal from others, admire or despise to others, love or hate to others.

"When men steal from each others, it's nothing left.

When men despise their own's kins, it's nothing alive.

When there're hate toward others, it's birth right out from it's soul, to growth"

It's all come down to the base of dharma.

Buddha has shown the light that shine through all sins and evils/darkness.

After 3 months of monk-lend season. Buddha is return to the world and body.

Among the greeting of Gods/deva.

When Buddha's religion are famous all around the world. The time come when Buddha has to leave. He done his fate and what he was born to do.

Buddha known well of what will happen. It is alway his ultimate goal to reach nibana(1,2).There're sign of spirits and stars given to him to reach nibana in 3 months.

The poison food was offer to him by the evils. By legends, this last act of sacrifice, that he would receive it all of sins of every monks to himself. The day of nibana is total of 1 years. B.E.1 the start of Buddhist's era until present days.

One life is a single drop to an ocean. Actions is the way of souls for eternity.

Buddha blessing light to the world, the light of dharma still shining bright for thousands of years.

"All men's souls are immortal.

But the soul of the righteous,

are immortal and divine."

(The Life of Buddha - Purt Raksasab March 2012)

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