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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Hanuman take out a trident fight furiously. Myarap can only defending himself until no weapons are left. The giant then come up with a trick, challenge Hanuman to use a club made of a palm tree to hit each other 3 times each turn. Hanuman agreed. Myarap grin with satisfied, uproot 3 palm trees as high as the cloud, tighted it altogether into a club and ask to attack first.

Hanuaman lay himself down on the ground, let Myarap hit him with a club 3 times until his body sink to the earth, but a great monkey got back up in an instant.

A great giant saw Hanuman didn't feel any pains, he is flightened. Try to suppress his fear and lay himself down on the ground. Hanuman swing a club with his massive power, when 3 times reached, a club is shattered to pieces. Myarap's body torned in half, Hanuman riped out a giant's legs and arms, thrown them away. But both his arms and legs return to attach to it's body the same.

Myarap dash in for a fierce fight. Hanuman jump kick the underworld's ruler, a giant fall over on the ground, a monkey trample on a giant's chest. Shouting, ask Pigaruan why Myarap can not be kill. Piragun tell that "Myarap took out his heart, changed it to a carpenter bee and hid it within the top of Mount.Treegooth".

Hanuman enlarge himself, left foot stepping on Myarap's chest, right leg stepping toward Mount.Treegooth. Break off the mountain's spire, grope out for a bee. When Hanuman catched this carpenter bee, he show it to Myarap, mocking the giant. Then crush it to pieces with his hand and cut off a giant head, ending the life of a great giant.

After. Hanuman appointed Vaiyawig to rule the underworld and made Mushanu a viceroy rule part of the underworld. This victory, PhraRahm promised Hanuman to let him rule part of Ayuddaya city and give him a Noparut ring(9 blessings) as a reward.

Ghumpagun's battle.

When heard of the news about Myarap had been slained by Hanuman. Tossagun is heart broken, mourn for his beloved cousin. He then order a warlord "Ghumpagun" to slay all of the enemies.

Great giant Ghumpagun alway keep himself in moral, warn Tossagun that the reason of this war is but for one woman, he should return her back. Tossagun is angry, blaming Ghumpagun does not love his own tribe. Samanakha had been tortured violently and many of relatives got killed. "How can a great tribe of giant bow to a lower human?"

When he can not convince his brother. Ghumpagun decide to wage war, a powerful giant warlord march his army to the battlefield.

Pipek's six-sense tell PhraRahm that Ghumpagun had march his men, seem Tossagun forced him to do this battle, for this giant brother have a righteous heart and never place ill toward anothers. Pipek ask PhraRahm to spare his brother life. PhraRahm then order Pipek to stop Ghumpagun's army.

"You are but a rascal, betrayer. Tell them trick to kill your own brothers.

Ungrateful, i do not want to look at"

Pipek beg Ghumpagun to retreat his army because PhraRahm is Narai's avatar. Ghumpagun yell back "PhraRahm is Narai's avatar ?, just a ruthless priest whom can not look after his wife. Ordained to keep in moral but murdered countless lives", and a giant warlord bawl out at Pipek to drive him away.

Pipek return to inform PhraRahm, ask for Sukreep to lead armies of 30 ocean units to do battle. Ghumpagun known that Sukreep have extraordinary power, he would lost if he do battle furiously with a monkey general. A giant warlord come up with a trick to drain his enemy's strength. A giant then mocking at Sukreep, tell a monkey that he is not worthly of his opponent, unless he could prove his power by uproot an ingyin tree on the north-east continent first.

Sukreep lost his head for he've been looked down by a giant, fly swiftly through the sky to dig out a large ingyin tree with his massive power then fly carrying it back to the battlefield.

Sukreep show a great tree mocking back at Ghumpagun, didn't known that he had stepped into a giant's trick. When a giant see Sukreep gasp for breath. Ghumpagun dash in to attack, smash hard at Sukreep which made a monkey stunned. Ghumpagun then captured Sukreep, carry him back to Lhonggar.

Monkey soldiers scattered to all directions. PhraRahm then order Hanuman to rescue Sukreep. Hanuman fly over, catch up to Ghumpagun by a city's gate of Lhonggar.

A great white monkey jump kick Ghumpagun for a surprised attack. A giant losing his balance, let go of Sukreep. Two powerful monkeys united their power attacking a giant, burying their sharpen canine all over the body. Ghumpagun can't withstand their power, flee himself back inside Lhonggar.

Powerful spear "Moakasak".

The giant king can not belive his own eyes that his brother return with wounds all over the body, soaked in bloods. But Ghumpagun insist to continue the fight, Tossagun gladly praise his brother's spirit.

Ghumpagun fly upon the heaven Brahma's realm, ask for the great spear "Moakasak" he once gave it to "Tao Aushadaprhom" to keep it safe. But the spear has rotten strangly never occur before. Ghumpagun then order to set up a ceremony to sharpen a spear back as before. He order to setup the ceremony next by "Srithundon" river by Mount.Meru.

Then, a giant recite his mantras, calling water to rise up over a large stone, focus his recite spells while sharpening the spear.

Pipek infrom PhraRahm that Ghumpagun doing a ceremony to sharpen "Moakasak" spear, one of the Brahma's miraculous weapon, if all 4 sides of the spear are sharpened, it will become powerful weapon none can withstand.

Pipek reveal Ghumpagun's weakness, if he catch any bad smells or see an excrement he would vomit and lose his strength. Pipek then advise to use Hanuman and Aongkod transformed into a crow pecking at a rotten dog flowing upon the river to destroy the ceremony.

Hanuman transform into a rotten dog, worms crawling all over it's body. Aongkod tranform into a crow pecking out a rotten dog's guts and flow though the river, stop by the front of ceremony which Ghumpagun sharpening the spear.

When a great giant catch a bad smells, he's start to lose his concentration. When open his eyes to look at he then vomit, can not continue the ceremony.

Tossagun considered well that "Srithundon" river is pure, never once have rotten body flow over. This must have been Pipek's plan to cancle the ceremony.

Ghunpagun is in fury, mention

"By tomorrow, "Moakasak" spear will bath the bloods of two human !"


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