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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

At dawn, the sun shine bright, but the sky cover in the shade with dust. Ghumpagun march his army to the battlefield. PhraRak lead monkey army to fight. 2 armies stand facing each others, when the sound of battle drum echoes, both armies march toward each others.

"Triplum" "Rithgasul" and "Patgavi" 3 giants general rush in to crush monkey soldiers.

"Surasen" "Suragarn" and "Ninlakhan" fight back to repel an enemy force. 3 fights of 6 warriors generals. Monkey swordmen show their massive power, capture giant generals thrown over upon the ground to deaths.

Ghumpagun order "Sarathilogun" drive a war battle cart break through an enemy's line. Anywhere the battle cart break though, a powerful spear Moakasak pierces through, slain countless lives of monkey soldiers.

PhraRak order Matuli to drive his battle cart over to confront an enemy. Both commander facing each other. PhraRak draw out an arrow, fire a powerful shot destroy an enemy battle cart to pieces. Ghumpagun bounce off by the attack, hit hard on the ground lying still.

Ghunpagun standing up with his full strength, jump on PhraRak's battle cart but got hit by an arrow, a giant fall down on the ground. PhraRak jump to follow, swing an arrow hit Ghumpagun again for a second time cause great pains all over the body. A giant step back, recite spells healing his wounds from the pain.

A giant warlord swing his Moakasak spear around, causing a tempest and thrown out the spear. "Powerful Moakasak spear pierce at the chest of PhraRak, fall over on the battlefield"

Sukreep rush in to carry PhraRak, all generals surroud to protect him. While a sunset, it signal the end of battle as tradition of war. Ghumpagun then order his army back to Lhonggar.

A battlefield have been through a fierce battle, now it is all silent with grieve. PhraRak lie still, no one is able to pull out the spear. PhraRahm shocked when heard of the news, rush to a battlefield, cry out want to follow his younger brother to the next world.

Pipek observe the fortune, inform that PhraRak is still alive until the sun light shine upon the spear. Only way is to stop the cart of the sun god not to circle around, and hurry to harvest a medicines call "Sanggorani" and "Trichava" at Mount.Sappayar. Then use a water called "Panja Mahanathi" of great 5 rivers of Ayuddaya to cook up the medicine. This will be able to uplift the curse of the spear. PhraRahm is relief, order Hanuman to do as Pipek had told.

When the sun goes down, the night linger long. Only a small star glittering it's light far away like a little hope of PhraRahm's army.

Hanuman fly over the sky, both hand holding the cart riding by the sun god, begging the god to stop. The god tell him that the cart can not be stop, but he would help delay the time by riding beyond the clouds to prevent the sun light to shine upon the land, the God tell Hanuman to hurry. Hanuman then fly over to Mount.Sappayar, calling two miraculous living herbs Sangorani and Trichava. Heard back their replied but can not be found, these two special items hidden through the earth like they are invisible. Hanuman fly around searching for them until he's tired, and start to consider throughly.

A great monkey enlarge himself as large as the mountain, calling Sangorani and Trichava while circle his tail around the mountain little by little to the spire.

Finally, Hanuman had picked Sangorani and Trichava as he wanted. Hanuman didn't waste any time, fly over to gather "Panja Mahanathi" water and return back to the battlefield.

Pipek rush to cook up the medicine followed the scroll, then apply the remedy to PhraRak's chest. The spear Moakasak then fall out, didn't leave a single scratch.

Ghumpagun barrage the water.

A giant spy informed Tossagun, PhraRak is still alive. The king of Lhonggar stunned, called Ghumpagun to have an audience. Ghumpagun is shock, freeze for a moment for there is no one ever withstand the power of Moakasak spear.

And the image of Pipek appear in his thought, this is the reason for the giant tribe to lost battle again and again.

Ghunpagun inform Tossagun that he will do irrigate ceremony to barrage and dry up the water, to make the whole enemy die of thirst, ask to keep his plan in secret. And order a maid called "Kanthamalee" and other four maids servant to gather flowers to offer him of the whole ceremony for 7 days 7 nights.

After that. Ghumpagun fly over to the headwaters of Mount.Emerald. Dive down and enlarge himself as large as the sky, lay down his body to barricade the water not to flow over to PhraRahm's army while recite a spell concealing himself.

When monkey soldiers see a water run dry, they start to panic. Pipek inform PhraRahm of the reason, it is because Ghumpagun conducted the ceremony, if 7 days had reached our whole army will starve to death.

Only maidservant whom offer the flower known the location of the ceremony. Hanuman then tranformed himself into a hawk, lie in ambush. When Kanthamalee with four maidservant come over to gather flowers, one of the maid is walking far behind the others. The hawk then swoop down on her, grabbed her up beyond the cloud and kill the maid. And Hanuman tranform himself into that maid without anyone realize.

Kanthamalee and servants arrive at the water source. While offering flowers, a disguised maid see a strange whirlpool, the water didn't flow down through a river. This must be Ghumpagun's power. Hanuman then transform himself back, all the maidservants screaming scattered away.

A great monkey jump down to the river, see Ghumpagun enlarge his body lay down barricading the water.

Hanuman take out his trident, dash forward to attack. Ghumpagun dodge over and standing up. The water then flow again through the river.

Ghumpagun swing the club at Hanuman. Hanuman quickly block an attack. Both warriors fight furiously, shaken the earth and water.

Hanuman rush in, approach for close combat, piercing attack at a giant Ghumpagun, caused many wounds. A giant afraid at a white monkey's power, fear that if he lost his life here, it would bring a disgraceful through the land. Ghumpagun then flee over the sky, hidden himself among the cloud and return back to Lhonggar.

Even PhraRahm's soldier came to destroys his ceremonies everytimes. Ghumpagun still determinedly want to fight this war with his life. A giant decided to gather his full force army to crush his enemy once and for all by the new dawn.


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