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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Intorachit enhance *Phromsard's bow. (The art of Brahma)

When the warlord learned that PhraRahm's army survived from the poisons spell of Nagabaht. Intorachit is worry, but realize that he still holding a powerful weapon.

"I will conduct ceremony to empower the Phromsard's bow and arrow. Do not let any unfavourable occurrence disturb my concentraion."

Intorachit rush toward the jade great banyan tree to conduct the ceremony, dressed himself as a hermit holding rosary. Focusing his mind reciting the spells. When 3 days have reached, there will be no one able to withstand the power of Brahma's arrow.

Tossagun order "Gumpan", his trusting warlord who've been through countless battles with him to fight, to stall the time for Intorachit.

A giant warlord riding mad elephant, swinging his club. Crushing through their enemy, slaining thousands of monkey soldier to death.

Hanuman draw out his tripeth. The powerful diamond trident. Slashing at the mad elephant, cut off it's head. Gumpan counter attack, hit Hanuman with a club make him bounce off through air. Hanuman the son of wind god return, jump kick at the giant make him fall to ground and then stab him with a trident. Send a giant to his death.

Tossagun didn't expect Gumpan to be killed this fast. With this shock news. Losing his mind make Tossagun mistakably send an informant to inform Intorachit of what happened. By disturbing with ill omen cause the ceremony to cease.

Intorachit holding grudge. Order giants to bring blood of black cow and black goat to make sacrifice offering to restore the ceremony and recite the spell to make the bow to absorb an offering blood. Brahma's bow then has empowered, emiting powerful aura as he wanted.

PhraRak leading his army holding the front line of battle while a giant's army defensive line is still shallow. At the moment. There's a heaven song echoes throughout the sky. The god PhraInn(Indra) riding erawan elephant, leading a parade of Deva and Angels. The most magnificent sight in all of heavens.

PhraRak staring at the gods and bewitched by the sight of their beautiful parade. Forget himself which still on the battlefield, same with his monkey soldiers.

Only Hanuman noticed the strangeness. Why all those dancing gods holding weapons in their both hands tightly.

Or. Is this an enemy's trick?

But it is too late...

PhraInn ruthlessly grin while firing Phromsard shot causing a blast of thousands rain of arrows pierce through monkey soldiers and PhraRak, make them all fallen on the ground.

Hanuman is shocking. Fly upon the sky standing on erawan's tusk, scolding furiously at PhraInn and then break erawan's neck.

"Draw out his powerful diamond trident, swing around demonstrate his massive power"

"Stomp the earth, jump up the sky"

"His feet stand upon the great tusk of Erawan"

"The left hand breaking Erawan's neck"

"The right hand stealing the bow"

"Pull it out with overwhelming force"

"A powerful monkey in battle"

PhraInn counter-parry attack, hit Hanuman with a bow. A monkey warlord fall down hit the ground, together with the head of Erawan which riped apart from it's body. Hanuman lying still on top of the Erawan's head.

Truth is PhraInn is Intorachit in disguised. A giant warlord watch over the devastation of PhraRahm's army with satisfaction. The news of this victory spread all over Lhonggar.

PhraRahm wait until the night fall, have not see PhraRak return make him worry. He rush to see his brother upon the battlefield.

The darkness covering all over the sky, unable to see anything. But scent of deads flow through the winds all around of every corners.

PhraRahm then fire a light shot, ignited the sky. He then see countless corpse of monkey soldiers. PhraRahm is tremble when he see Hanuman lying there on top of Erawan and an arrow stuck right into his brother chest. Regret that he sent his brother to his dead. PhraRahm cry in grieve until he passed out.

Fellow monkey soldiers seeing PhraRahm passed out, thought he's dead. They cry out and lost conciousness follow their leader.

The whole battlefield grasp with silent, like a graveyard.

War have lost. Have the end. Bereavement.

The song of dead. War never change.


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