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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

When obtain the victory. Tossagun ordering giant warlords.

"Take Sida to the battlefield. Show her a corpse of her husband and his destroyed army. Let her realise that there is nothing for her heart to cling onto from now. I shall conquer her heart for i am the one last place she could rely on".

Sida arrive at the battlefield with crystal "Busabok"(A movable throne) along with Trichada, Pipek's wife. Sida rush to PhraRahm, weeping right at his feet. Wish to die follow the two princes.

Trichada realize suddenly that this movable throne could not be move if the widow is sit upon. She ask Sida to sit upon the busabok to make a wish.

Crystal busabok then flow clockwise over PhraRahm and PhraRak three times. It is mean that both princes are still alive. Sida smile with tear cover her eyes, and a crystal throne then float out, return to Lhonggar.

In this battle. Pipek didn't join up. When he arrive upon the battlefield. He's shocking almost lost conciousness. He then recite the mantras, cast into Hanuman's mouth. The wind of life then flow over the son of wind god again. A monkey warlord has return to life.

Both of them then help recover PhraRahm and PhraRak, along with soldiers who didn't hit by the arrows of brahma.

Pipek inform PhraRahm on the previous battle. PhraInn fired the arrows was Intorachit transformed and PhraRak is still alive.

Great monkey Chompupan, a medical expertise say..

"A potion to heal Brahma's arrow is upon mountain Arvud. To reach the place, one must get through the acid charkra wheel outpost which constructed by Shiva. This dangerous chakra wheel is spinning all day and never stop".

Hanuman volunteer in a quest to obtain this potion. Fly through sky. Arrive at Mountain Arvud. A guarding deva of the mountain known that a great general under heaven of Narai's avatar come to obtain the potion to unbind the spell of bhrama's arrow. The guard tell Hanuman to carry the whole mountain. The chakra wheel then stop spinning for Shiva had granted the command.

Hanuman display his power. Enlarge his body and lift up the whole mountain over his shoulder. Carry it back to the battlefield.

This sacred mountain can not be place upon the other land, it can only reside at it's original place.

Hanuman carry the mountain under the wind of PhraPrai(Wind god). The wind then blow the potion's odor to touch upon PhraRak and monkey soldiers. Brahma's arrows then release from their bodies, everyone have regain their lives.

Kill Sida

Tossagun expected Sida to grief overnight. The giant king wait for dawn, for the time he could hold her heart and body all by himself.

But the war cry of PhraRahm's army echoes out loud from the battlefield. Breaking all hopes of the giant king into pieces. Like the victory holding within his palm suddenly dissapear.

Intorachit come up with a plan..

"I will execute Sida"

The giant king shock from what he just hear, but trust in his son for he must have a clver plan.

Intorachit plan to use one of a deserter. A prisoner call "Sukajan" to transform into Sida. And he will execute her right infront of PhraRahm. Both human and monkey then will have no reason to continue their campaign.

When PhraRahm's army is shaken. Intorachit will slip by to mount universe to conduct the ceremony for 7 days. When time had reached, his body will be invincible. Among with his giant soldiers will be able to withstand weapons's damage.

Tossagun foreseen the future accord to this plan. A vision which Intorachit's army could bring victory to Lhonggar. He praise his son that he is fit in future rule of the city.

Intorachit declare to deliver back Sida today and then grab her hair holding her up. Sida screaming loudly. PhraRak is stunned of the sight, can't even draw out his bow.

Not wasting any second. Intorachit draw out the sword and beheaded Sida violently. Left her body lying on the battlefield.

PhraRahm's army still in shocked with pain and sorrow spread all over their army.

When PhraRahm heard news about the death of Sida. Like thunder pierce right through his heart. Pipek check the star and learn that the corpse of Sida was but a male giant transformed. Hanuman go over to the battlefield to check on the body and confirm that it is exactly as Pipek had foretold.

Intorachit, once complete his mission to destroy his enemy's morale. He rush to a bamboo forest surround mount universe to conduct the ceremony.

Dressed himself up as a hermit, reciting mantras. Worshiping the three sacred bows which granted by the god.

Pipek inform PhraRahm to ask PhraRak to hurry to destroy the ceremony and kill Intorachit. If today has passed, there will be none able to slay him.

PhraRak march his army to mount universe, pipek is following to help.

Hanuman leading monkey soldier to attack the giant. Fighting ferociously in the midst of the forest which monkey soldier gain have an advantage.

Hanuman shouting a battlecry, mocking Intorachit until a giant warlord losing his focus from meditation. A giant's eyes turning red, filled with rage.


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