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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Tossagun's battle

At long last. The time has come for the king to march into battle.

Tossagun standing prominently upon the battlecart. The sight of a great giant king is dreadful, yet dignified at the same time.

PhraRahm standing upon the battlecart given by the god Indra(PhraInn).

His eyes is resolute, bathed with the light of pure heart.

At that moment. Like earth and heaven are shaking, tremblingly watching a coming battle. The three world would change forever. If a giant king have his victory over PhraNarai's avatar.

Tossaagun's army, together with "Sibrod"(Ten carts). Ten of his sons from the concubines driving battle cart, circling their wheels around with strategy like a spinning chakra wheel crushing anyone who step inside. Sweeping countless lives of monkey troops to death.

Sukreep Hanuman Aongkod and great generals under heaven jump upon to block the carts. Jump kick, breaking their wheels. Grab ten battlecart then smash it all to the ground, send Sibrod to death by an instant.

Tossagun is in fury. Throw a powerful jakra flame, slaying monkey troops. PhraRahm counter attack with Praiward shot, hit a jakra wheel. Both weapons crushing others, break into dust.

All over the battlefield alter with magical power of poison flames. Extinguish by blessing rains. From darkness, then the light shed. Powerful magics against one another.

At the small gap of moment show an open. PhraRahm fire out his arrow pierce right through the armor of giant king, make him bleeding with bloods all over.

A giant king force himself standing, recite the healing mantra until an arrow release out of his body.

When the sunset. Signal both army the end of today's battle. Both side return to their camp.

Mulplum's battle

Giant army losing again and again. Tossagun asking for help from his old friend "Mulplum" of Nakhon Pangtan city. The giant from Pangtan known to be ruthless, slain their foes throughout the land.

Ruler of the city "Tao Sahasdecha" once know that his younger brother prepare for war, he decide to join up. Sahasdecha is a powerful giant, blessed by PhraPhrom. For the first sight of his enemy have seen, fear will embrace them. And a magical wand when point at any living, alive or death befall on that person.

When monkey soldiers see Tao Sahasdecha as large as the sky, with his two thousand arms holding almighty weapons like the death himself. Monkey troops lost their courage. The whole army screaming, running with fear, fleeing for their lives. Dissapear into the forest.

Giants soldier breaking into the forest, hunting down monkeys until the whole forest is ruined.

When PhraRak and monkey generals have arrive to assist, monkeys troop have gaining morale in return.

Monkeys warlord then slay four giants general which are elite warriors of Pangtan.

Mulplum throw out the spear, hit right on PhraRak. Make him fall while standing.

Hanuman dash in to help and pull out the spear with his divine mantras.

Hanuman using his power. Enlarge himself while letting PhraRak standing upon his shoulder at the same height with a giant warlord.

Mulplum is a mighty giant. But even his magical wand, crystal jakra, all his weapon can not withstand the arrows of PhraRak. A giant didn't belive there is such human in the world who is able to fight him. When PhraRak's arrow pierce right through his heart, a giant has succumb to dead with his eyes still open, filled with doubtfulness of what just happened.

Pipek foresee that Tao Sahasdecha will march out his army for revenge. He ask Hanuman to go get the magical wand first.

Hanuman think of a plan, transform himself into a white monkey. Waiting on the way giant army is marching to the battlefield.

When battlecarts passing through, a white monkey then jump over. Let himself be captured and act frightened when confront with Sahasdecha.


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