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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

In the battlefield. Tossagun is waiting for a long time, but there aren't anymore of elixirs. Giants are now in trouble situation trying to withstand the fight before order the retreat.

When return to Lhonggar, seeing the ritual chamber in ruined and Montoh sleeping in a bedroom. Tossagun realize he had lost to the enemy's trick. Waking Montoh to questions. She is in shock to learn that herself being disgraced by an animal. Collapse right on the ground, crying out like her heart is bleeding to dead.

Even Tossagun is in rage and pain. Not even a single word he blame to his queen.


Headless Tossagun

Lhoggar has fallen into misery. Male giants who are father, husband and son. All have been drafted into military. Wounded, crippled, and countless deads. Every giants have lost their families in agony.

But never a second thought by Tossagun of returning Sida to end the war. Alway upholding his head and pride as supreme being, higher than human race. The more he have lost and defeat. The more wrath he drown himself in to increase his vengeance.

The rage squeezing him, driving the king of Lhonggar to give it all he have to the war. Without caring any single life that fade away.

But when confront with Narai's avatar. The result is always the same. Giants army have lost.

PhraRahm fire an art of PhraPhrom arrow. Cut off the head, arms and feet of the giant king. But all his limps have return to the body like a miracle.

PhraRahm fire an arrow, causing a blast. An arrow pierce right through Tossagun, causing pain trembling all over his body. A giant king forcing himself to recite a mantra and rub over. The wound then heal itself without any scratch.

Tossagun is terrify. Of all battles. There is never such pain to death like this time.


Hanuman and the heart box.

PhraRahm ask Pipek why Tossagun can not be kill. Pipek is stunned, he never thought to expose this secret to anyone, to kill his own brother.

But with loyalty, he explain to PhraRahm that Tossagun had taken his heart out. Kept safe in the crystal box. He can not keep his heart close to himself, for the heart will return to it's owner. Tossagun had asked Kobudd hermit to kept it away.

To kill Tossagun, one must obtain the heart of the giant.

PhraRahm summon a war council, asking anyone for the quest to obtain the heart of Tossagun. Hanuman volunteer and ask to bring Aongkod along.

Hanuman is planning carefully. For this time, the quest to obtain the heart he must make close connection with enemy. To lure out the heart box.

He whisper to PhraRalm. Tell the prince to trust him of returning within seven days.

Two monkey generals pay a visit to PhraRorsree(Hermit) Kobudd. Weeping sadly, feeling resentful for they have serve PhraRahm with their life but by little mistake, the prince want to kill them. Today, swallowed their pride and force themself asking for Tossagun's blessing.

Begging until the hermit believe all it's real. And at the same time, there's no one to help Tossagun fight the war. PhraRorsree decide to take both of them to have an audience with the giant king. Hanuman advise PhraRorsree to take the heart box together, to prevent anyone of stealing it.

When arrive at the entrance of Lhonggar. Hanuman warn that by taken the heart box into the city. The heart will fly right out of the box to return to it's owner. It is better to entrust the box to Aongkod and let him wait by the entrance.

Hanuman sneak back to Aongkod and then create another heart box by magic. Telling Aongkod to hand out the fake box to the hermit and ask Aongkod to wait at mountain Anchan.

When Aongkod see Hanuman yawn into star and moon. It is a signal to bring over the real heart box to him.

PhraRorsree take Hanuman inside to surrender. Tossagun thinking, even a wise hermit and giants generals are approved to take in Hanuman to help in battle. The giant king has agree with their decission.

Right now Tossagun almost lose all of his power, struggling in the vast ocean. Hanuman is like the last chunk of wood floating by for him to grab on to.

When PhraRorsree has return to the city's entrance. Aongkod who is waiting by then return back the fake box according to their plan.

Tossagun named Hanuman as his adopted son. But there is still a doubt, why Hanuman did not pray to him as a father. Hanuman make an excuse that he must pray to PhraPrai his father first. Hanuman ask the wind not to flow by. He then never have to pray to Tossagun.

Hanuman fear if any delay could cause a problem. He tell Tossagun that he will march out for war, to capture PhraRahm and PhraRak.

Hanuman confronting PhraRak in battle. He telling giants that he alone will break into the enemy's line, order giants troops to stand firm.

Hanuman dash into the monkey army, act like he is killing them. But the truth is that he hit the bow upon the ground, causing dust spread all over the battlefield.



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