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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Tabnasul's battle

At this moment. Tossagun's dignity has falter, though the hatred never lessen.

He invite "Tao Tabnasul" giant, a brother from different mother to help fighting the war.

Tao Tabnasul fire out thousands rains of arrows, cutting off arms and legs of monkey troops. PhraRahm counter fire, both arrows crashing into dust.

Tao Tabnasul cast a spell, enlarge himself and sink his body into earth, standing upon the stone at the buttom of the world. Open it's mouth covering the sky, stick out the tongue covering the sun. Shading all over the lands.

Monkey troops are in panic, running for their lives with fear to all directions. Tao Tabnasul spreading his arms, rounding up monkeys into it's mouth and swallow the whole army.

PhraRahm know of what happened from Pipek. Ordering Sukreep to handle the situation. Monkey general enlarge himself, swing a powerful trident. Cutting off Tao Tabnasul's arms into a chunk of meats. Giant warlord screaming loudly in pain, rising from the earth and gnarl fiercely. Dash right in to attack PhraRahm's army.

The sky has open as before. PhraRahm then fire an art of PhraPhrom's arrow, pierce right through a giant's belly. Send a giant Tao Tabnasul to death by an instant.

Remains of monkey soldiers then flow out of a giant's abdoment. But this time the wind can not revive them, because they didn't die by any weapon.

PhraInn(Indra) order PhraVishnugrum(Blacksmith god) to bring the elixir from heaven. Pouring upon them. The monkey army then return to life.

Tossagun sitting quietly. A giant king gaze upon the battlefield, filled with bodies and bloods. A burial ground of a giant tribe and families.

None has ever return to life. But an army of PhraRahm haven't lost a single soul. Like this war has already been written for his defeat. Tossagun slamming his fists hard at the throne, full of rage and pain.


Montoh make an elixer

Montoh ask and advise Tossagun to return Sida to PhraRahm. But Tossagun is angry and grunting at her instead. Calling her being jealous.

But at the time when Tossagun is losing his courage. Montoh is always there soothing him, never stay of distance and gladly to help in the war.

She will conduct the ritual to consecrate an elixir which will revive all of fallen giants.

Montoh dressed up in white. Focusing with mindfulness, reciting a mantras she once learned from Umathevi(Shiva's wife).

At the same time "Tossirigun" and "Tossirigon". A twin brothers born of Tossagun and his mother, an elephant queen. Both of them have their head of elephants and bodies of giants. Tremendous and powerful warriors. They have come to pay a visit to their father.

Twin giants volunteer to fight. Crush their enemy, scattered monkey troops with their mighty power. But by the end, they got hited by arrows of PhraRak and die together.

Montoh conducting a ritual. A water in a golden pot is turning into a powerful elixir which can revive the deads. She ordering giant general to bring it into the battlefield.

Tossagun pouring the elixir to the earth and giant's bodies.

Demon's army

At once... Dead giants both warlords and soldiers rising up from the ground, all over the battlefield. Gumpagun. Intorachit. And many warlords.

Even their bodies are cold, can not speak. But their power still remain like once when they were alive. Giants demons rush in, slaying countless monkey soldiers. Everytimes they have been killed. Tossagun use an elixir to revive them again.

Pipek informing PhraRahm that giants are immortal because Montoh have conducted the ritual to make powerful elixirs. While she making these potions, she must stay cleanse by not bonding with any man.

PhraRahm shoot out seven barriers of diamond nets to stop demon giants and order Hanuman to destroy the ritual.

Hanuman transformed into Tossagun, ordered his soldiers to disguise as giants. March their army into Lhonggar and shout out a battlecry of their victory.

Disguised Tossagun praise on Montoh who help him to achieved victory.

Montoh trust him completely, walk out of the ceremony hall to congratulate her husband. Disguised Tossagun spending time bonding with her, while Ninlanon in the form of war elephant destroying the ceremony hall.

When their plan has succeed. Hanuman disguised as Tossagon tell Montoh that he will go out to hunt down Pipek. And then march out of Lhonngar with their army.



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