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Info > PhraSomdej WatRakhang

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PhraSomdej WatRakhang

By Purt Raksasab

( / provide PhraSomdej the best of Thailand Buddha Amulets. Since 2003 there're many customers world-wide took PhraSomdej(check at sold section and gold case section).

Here is one of the masterpiece to learn more verify spots of PhraSomdej WatRakhang PimYai(PimNiyom big mould type) regard an original mould. *Not all PhraSomdej have rough surface texture, there're clean and smooth surface too depend on the ingredients. The backside of PhraSomdej also the same which can categorize into certain types.

1. Face of PhraSomdej look like bel fruit.

2. Open shoulder, the right is bigger than the left side.

3. The line of monk robe link between left elbow and left knee for PhraSomdej PimYai

4. There's deep dent below both hands.

5. When look by horizontal way, the 1st base is taller than the right knee.

6. When look by horizontal way, the 1st base is taller than the left knee, slightly.

7. For a well amulet that pump out from the mould, can see a right leg on top of a left.

8. The groove between 1st and 2nd base is the deepest, which is same level with a back ground.

9. The singha base is shallow and submerged under the surface, otherside is longer and bending right down. Make the gap between 2nd and 3rd base is most shallow groove.

10. 3rd base is dense and look strong. Left side the head base cut out diagonally complete with the frame line on the left.

11.The frame line is tight, thick and higher level than the opposite side.

12. The line of the print control frame lengthening from the top to the buttom corner.

13. The line of the print control frame lengthening down about half way.

14. The right glass case arc is higher than the left, the shadow has prove.

15. The v-chest type prove of ogirinal PhraSomdej PimYai AokV.

16. Accord to the original mould of PimYai Gate-Aeng-Sai, the head bend to the left side of Buddha.

17. Shrink of ingredients through time.

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