PhraSomdej WatRakhang
By Purt Raksasab
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Accord to Mr.Treyumpawai the guru anthenticator of PhraSomdej, the back side of PhraSomdej can categorize into 8 types. To verify the back side of PhraSomdej is no different than the front, we still focus most at the nature skin for the old amulet.
When SomdejToh pump the amulet inside the mould, he used a small size wood board to press the ingredients at the backside, bob it for few time so the front side attach most to the mould and also to drive out the air inside. Once done then Somdej Toh took out the wood board, when the amulet dry it leave the mark from the wood board, though there're different lines, some is deep cut and some is not, it doesn't need to have lines for all the back of PhraSomdej. Experts assume that accept than Somdej, the workers, monks/nuns that help at the temple would use different wood board and materials when pump the amulets as well.
Some of the amulet also shown materials grain at the back side very clear, some shown the dirt which cause by evaporate of tung-aew oils from inside the amulet, the ingredients holy powder shink through time for hundreds year, old dirt attached for PhraSomdej which kept under the pit of pagoda by Somdej Toh, and smooth skin backside of PhraSomdej. Here is some example of the quality masterpiece of PhraSomdej, with nature look we can tell easy of genuine PhraSomdej because fake is very hard to copy as this.